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86 shape, white houses of 2 settlments, on one side of Island. [[underline]] Wide large black lava flows on other side. [[/underline]] In the distance the rocky outlines of [[underline]] Lipari [[/underline]] Islands. [[underline]] June 19. [[/underline]] At 6 AM. same weather One sees very few boats here. Yesterday and day before [[underline]] two Brigantines. [[/underline]] [[annotation in left margin]] X [[/annotation]] One with course topsail, & [[strikethrough]] gallant [[/strikethrough]] ^[[royal]] on foremast and stay, - jib, & flying jib and fore and aft & [[underline]] topsail on mizzen. [[/underline]] The other carried top-[[underline]] royal & gallant. [[/underline]] Both boats had wind abeam and carried also [[underline]] triangular [[/underline]] ^[[fisherman &]] sails between foremast and mizzen. About noon wind increases, then more and by about 3 P.M when we pass between [[underline]] Corsica and Sardinia [[/underline]] is is blowing half a gale. Choppy sea but vessels hardly pitches on account of short waves. [[underline]] Shores [[/underline]] of both Islands [[end page]] [[start page]] 87 are [[underline]] very abrupt and steep. [[/underline]] Many beacons and lighthouses. Expected to arrive Marseilles tomorrow 7 AM. Temp of air 74° - water 72° June 20. Bright and sunny but cold breeze. [[underline]] 68°F overcoat wanted. Marseilles sunny but rather cool. [[vertical annotation in left margin]] Several large yachts in Basin. [[/vertical annotation]] Hotel Noailles [[/underline]] got excellent room with bath much better than what I got at Hotel du Louvre [[underline]] 3 years [[/underline]] ago. I had wired in advance. They charge me $6.25 a day. Is on the [[underline]] noisy [[/underline]] principal street. Electric trams and endless tooting of motor cars. At the bank got frcs [[underline]] 21.75 per Dollar American. [[/underline]] Exchange has been as low as [[underline]] frcs=23. [[/underline]] June 21. (Sunday) Drove around town in horse carriage. Rather cool feels like end of October but blue sky. [[underline]] Marseilles [[/underline]] in summer looks much better than