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very clear meadowland but lacking sewerage and labor supply. ?
None of the two places pleases me nor the others of the party [[underlined]] Schleussner [[/underlined]] is mildly opposed [[underlined]] would prefer sell R&H. D. A. B plant, [[/underlined]] and as a last resort would prefer not to see us leave Perth Amboy A very busy day but was back home in time for supper
[[underlined]] Sept 30 Executive meeting [[/underlined]] 10 AM Earnest [[underlined]] discussion of plant and plant site. Schleussner [[/underlined]] asks whether we could not [[underlined]] postpone. [[/underlined]] but others convinced him [[underlined]] we had to act. Schleussner evidently wants to gain time [[/underlined]] and his way of speaking makes me believe he hopes to [[underlined]] bring about sale or lease [[/underlined]] of R&H plant. but [[underlined]] Rossi [[/underlined]]
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is [[underlined]] against [[/underlined]] it on account of [[underlined]] high taxes  and no R. R facilities. [[/underlined]] Afternoon short visit to [[underlined]] Chemical - Exposition [[/underlined]] which this year is better than ever and very interesting.
[[underlined]] Oct 1 [[/underlined]] 9. A. M. [[underlined]] Further executive meeting [[/underlined]] on several other matters Schleussner absent. [[underlined]] We all agree on Japanese arrangement also on program for Europe and to my great joy at ^[[1PM]] 1 P.M. [[/underlined]] all the urgent business is disposed [[strikethrough]] off [[/strikethrough]] of. I thought we would have at least 2 or 3 days more of it
[[underlined]] Mallenerodt  & [[strikethrough]] Parsons [[/strikethrough]] Morris [[/underlined]] came to talk me about endowment committee. Later visit of [[underlined]] Parsons  and Little. [[/underlined]] Then Endowment Com. meeting of [[underlined]] A.C.S at Chemists Club. [[/underlined]] Then Banquet of Chemical