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[[underline]] December 23 [[/underline]] Well rested. [[underline]] Cold Northerly [[/underline]] but moderate. [[underline]] Several suits of clothes one above another. [[/underline]] Bright sunny day. Everything went well (See Log Book) [[strikethrough]] evening [[/strikethrough]] afternoon passed thru [[underline]] Frederica River [[/underline]] with some beautiful wild woods along the narrow winding stream Live oaks with Spanish Moss [[underline]] Palmetto [[/underline]] trees, evergreens, so stopped and [[strikethrough]] theres [[/strikethrough]] dropped anchor. Went out in dinghy, along the woods. In the setting sun [[underline]] ION, freshly painted & varnished [[/underline]] well kept and sturdy was a picture of [[underline]] prettiness [[/underline]] enough to make me [[underline]] forget all the hectic struggle to save her only 24 hours ago. [[/underline]] Moonlight, bright stars and radio concert [[overwritten]] in [[/overwritten]] of Pittsburgh New York, Chicago New Orleans
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absolutely perfect; static and a complete silence everywhere not even a whisper of wind. Listened till 9 P.M. then went to bed.
Dec. 24. Last night cold awoke me at 2 P.M. It was [[underline]] 35°F in my cabin.[[/underline]] Lit the [[underline]] kerosene stove [[/underline]] which put it up to 60°F.
This morning we had to shove away the [[underline]] frosty dew [[/underline]] on deck and [[underline]] wash it away. [//underline]] Compass glass was[[underline]] covered with ice, [[/underline]] so steering wheel, rigging & whole deck, [[underline]] pail of water [[/underline]] left on deck [[underline]] was frozen.[[/underline]] All the [[underline]] near Palm trees, [[/underline]] Spanish moss and Live oaks! Anticlimax! looks more like a North pole expedition. [[underline]] Bitterly cold. [[/underline]] fortunately no wind. Had to put on moccasins and [[underline]] triple socks. [[/underline]] Deck