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home for rest. Thermometer reached 98°F in shade. Then at 7 P.M violent squall and rain. All over in about 20 minutes. Then cool and pleasant about 70°F. Cool night
[[underline]] Sunday ^[[July]] 11 [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Cool [[/strikethrough]] Very cool. N.W. strong breeze. [[underline]] George B. and [[/underline]] myself out [[underline]] sailing all morning [[/underline]]
[[underline]] Monday ^[[July]] 12. [[/underline]] Went out sailing with Petersen
[[underline]] July 13. [[/underline]] Long conference with [[underline]] Redman [[/underline]] about various new patent applications drawn up by [[underline]] Townsend [[/underline]] before he left. Careless text and claims seem to indicate that [[underline]] Townsend had little to do with it. Wording very dangerous in many instances. [[/underline]] Rewrote some of the passages which seem [[underline]] objectionable [[/underline]]
[[underline]] July 15 [[/underline]] Conference Barnes Sanford Brown Redman
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and [[underline]] Geo B. [[/underline]] in regard to measures to be taken against [[underline]] Taylor [[/underline]] who openly defies our patents. Then [[strikethrough]] lone [[/strikethrough]] interview [[strikethrough]] Qugle [[/strikethrough]] of [[underline]] Quigley [[/underline]] in regard to [[underline]] his reduced bonus. Present Geo Roll, Redman, Rossi and Geo. B.[ [/underline]]
[[underline]] July 16 [[/underline]] Out [[underline]] sailing [[\underline]] this afternoon on Hudson with [[underline]] Petersen [[/underline]]
[[underline]] July 17. [[/underline]] Out sailing all day on Hudson, went as far as Haverstraw [[underline]] under sail [[/underline]] then returned under motor
[[underline]] July 18. (Sunday) [[/underline]] Home all day. All ladies and children in Camp. Thunderstorm and squall afternoon
[[underline]] July 19. [[/underline]] At office all day
[[underline]] July 20. [[/underline]] " " " " [[dittos for: At office all day]] very warm. Made deposit $375 of shares of Corn Products Co. Very warm weather. 94° in shade
[[underline]] July 21. [[/underline]] Another hot dry 96° in shade. Out [[underline]] all day in sail boat [[/underline]]