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Endless things to attend to [[underlined]] Rossi [[/underlined]] being ill and approaching [[strikethrough]] visit of visit of [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] European [[/underlined]] situation
[[underlined]] Oct 10 [[/underlined]] (Sunday). At home. Raining and cold. [[underlined]] Celine Roll [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Dicky [[/underlined]] here. Studying pending patent cases
[[underlined]] Oct 11 [[/underlined]] Went to meet [[underlined]] Mr. Brown Internal Revenue[[/underlined]] Income Tax at his office. 
Very hectic morning. [[underlined]] Oakes - home - Redman [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] Roll [[/underlined]] discussing situation and program of phenol plant, where we had to [[underlined]] stop production because we have enough phenol to last us more than a year. [[/underlined]] and expenses are even now with reduced worker from [[underlined]] $5000 to $9000 [[/underlined]] a month.  Agreed on program.
[[left margin]] Stopped phenol plant Stopped the phenol plant [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Oakes [[/underlined]] ^[[Oakes]] says he [[underlined]] can be spared [[/underlined]] intermittently. - Intend to use him [[underlined]] to help me [[/underlined]] on [[underlined]] manufacturing [[/underlined]] department together
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with [[underlined]] Lowe. [[/underlined]] Afternoon went to visit [[underlined]] Richard A. Anthony [[/underlined]] who last year has been released from [[underlined]] Sanitarium.[[/underlined]] He seems well balanced and has excellent memory but has [[underlined]] considerably aged. [[/underlined]] 
Evening dinner at University Club. [[underlined]] Duties and responsibilities [[/underlined]] are getting every day more complicated. Our [[underlined]] European connections [[/underlined]] will [[underlined]] undoubdetly increase them much more. [[/underlined]] All this tires me every day more and more and I feel that if I leave all matters in other hands [[underlined]] many things will not be done in the right way and may prove dangerous. The fact is that nobody in the company is sufficiently acquainted with the many phases [[/underlined]] and problems of an organisation which everyday