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[[underline]] Oct 21 [[/underline]] At office all day
[[underline]] Oct 22. [[/underline]]
Went to Columbia U to visit new quarters in Havemeyer Hall for chemistry
[[underline]] Oct 23. [[/underline]] At office.
[[underline]] Oct 24 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Here all day. Grandchildren here. Showed them my Japanese things etc. to their great amusement and endless questions.
[[underline]] Oct 25. [[/underline]] Hectic morning. Hurried conference with Hays & Barns ^[[& Geo B]] who both believe we may get into endless complications if we start sueing importers of laminated because Sachs would plead that he has a contract which is virtually a license etc. etc. Altho' this contract is void and lapsed it [[red underline]] may [[/red underline]] bring about endless additional complications. Hays says that in as far as we are favorably inclined to make a ^[[new]] [[red underline]] partnership [[/red underline]] it would be better to start directly with this 
Then came Schleussner and Redman
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They both express their desire for a [[red underline]] conciliation [[/red underline]] and partnership. A short talk with Sachs, in which I asked him some questions which he answered. Asked him if he would be willing to give controlling interest.
He says he believes he could.- Told Schleussner about plan of [[red underline]] preferred [[/red underline]] stock. He is very favorable about it. But he is leaving. Told Sachs come back Thursday when Karpen will be here. After they all left
felt very tired and depressed. Foresee many future complications and nobody to take the lead if I cease to be president 
I suggested to Hays to make George B a vice-president in as he has to transact so many important things. [[red underline]] Hays [[/red underline]] is not in favor of it because he says George is still [[red underline]] to impulsive, [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] cites [[/strikethrough]] and [[red underline]] not careful [[/red underline]] enough about details. He cites the Worden case and lately the Payne contract where we had already given the check before the licence was signed. I have now become a slave to my