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[[underline]] Nov 11. [[/underline]] Met [[underline]] Gerlach [[/underline]] at Bishop's office at 9:30 AM. in presence of [[underline]] Bishop. [[/underline]] He had brought typewritten sheets with him to show me how my interests had been [[strikethrough]] slighte [[/strikethrough]] injured. I [[strikethrough]] did not give [[/strikethrough]] and was willing to show them; but I did not give him an opportunity to do so. Left them at 10 A.M while I had my first meeting
with [[underline]] Potter. Bishop [[/underline]] joined us afterwards. He told me he had paid [[underline]] Gerlach 25₤ [[/underline]] for all expenses for coming from [[underline]] Berlin. [[/underline]] Afterwards [[underline]] Kingsbury [[/underline]] joined. Long talk to them explaining present situation with Sachs and with France. Then lunch at National Liberal Club
Then afternoon discussion on situation Swinburne joining. All agree to give us control. Told about our intention to enter field of laminated and [[strikethrough]] lacq [[/strikethrough]] flexible lacquers, varnishes etc hence
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
possibility of conflicting with interests of Pinchon & Johnson hence our reluctance to have them as important directors
[[underline]] Nov 12. [[/underline]] 
[[vertical annotation in left margin]]
Program [[/vertical annotation]]
All day at Damard office Kingsbury, Potter & Bishop. [[underline]] My program is ^[[(1)]] first straighten up with Ferguson [[/underline]] (Moldensite), ^[[(2)]] then with Pinchon & Johnson, ^[[(3)]] then rewrite bye-laws, (4) then final consolidation, [[/underline]] either by adding to [[underline]] Damard Co. [[/underline]] the Moldensite assets + our cash and assets, (5) continue working both plants ^[[as at present]] until we are ready to suggest the necessary changes (6) change name of [[underline]] Damard into 
Bakelilte Limited. [[/underline]]  
Such a program will bring about the minimum of changes. Asked to Kingsbury whether [[underline]] Perkins [[/underline]] is a desirable lawyer to represent us. He says does not know him well but his firm has good reputation and he has [[strikethrough]] per [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] no objection whatever to Perkins [[/underline]] 
Getting along very well in our 

Transcription Notes:
"Moldensite" refers to the British company Mouldensite Limited of Darley Dale.