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Then met Mr. [[underlined]] Perkins for first time at  Bishop's office. [[/underlined]] Told him all details of pending situation and our desire of [[underlined]] fair dealing [[/underlined]] and avoiding unnecessary complications. He thinks it [[underlined]] better to make new company and draw new bye-laws. [[/underlined]] - I do not share his opinion but [[underlined]] told him to discuss this with Kingsbury [[/underlined]] and his lawyers. Has rained every day but altho' temperature is only [[underlined]] 65°F [[/underlined]] it does not feel too cold. - The humidity helps here. Our dry cold air requires higher temperature due to evaporation thru skin. 
[[left margin]] [[circled X]] Met Robeson of P&J.  Says he met me before. Is an American. Agrees in principle to our proposition. [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] November 17 [[/underlined]] Have been here [[double underlined]] just one week. [[/double underlined]] Meeting with [[underlined]] Perkin at Bishops [[/underlined]] then took us for luncheon at [[underlined]] Union Club, [[/underlined]] a very handsome club well situated. Had [[underlined]] fresh herring [[/underlined]] excellent
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[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Nov. 18 [[/underlined]] Meeting at Bishop's [[/strikethrough]]
[[circled X]] (to be added to [[underlined]] Robeson interview [[/underlined]] see preceding page). Met [[underlined]] Robeson at his office with Kingsbury. Robeson says met me before in New York. [[/underlined]] Very friendly and smiling but either is not a man of quick action, or feels he has to act subordinately. [[strikethrough]] Therefore [[/strikethrough]] Altho agreeing in principle to our suggestion as to ^[[one]] director, hesitates to express himself clearly, causing [[underlined]] Kingsbury to loose patience and talk out. He wants to have stipulation [[/underlined]] drawn up by his lawyers which will take [[underlined]] 2 or 3 days! Feel rather disgusted [[/underlined]] because I was willing to draw up the sentence myself right on the spot.  Will work [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Nov. 18 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] out the [[underlined]] Moldensite [[/underlined]] transaction in the [[underlined]] meantime during this absurd delay. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov. 18  Ferguson joined us at office, [[/underlined]] submitting further [[underlined]] documents as to liabilities, contracts [[/underlined]] of employes etc. All