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[[underlined]] running the risk of being dictated to by an impersonal concern like P&J, [[/underlined]] respectable and of excellent reputation but [[underlined]] owned by Anglo-American Oil Co. the latter owned by Standard Oil. [[/underlined]] How we did [[underlined]] not need their help and were willing to proceed without them [[/underlined]] How these negotiations which were supposed to be terminated in a few days, had now [[underlined]] dragged on nearly 3 weeks, [[/underlined]] until I felt more than ever what a [[underlined]] handicap it would [[/underlined]] be for us to be associated under similar conditions and have everytime all [[underlined]] the same complications for a rather small matter. [[/underlined]] That they had been of use to the [[underlined]] Damard [[/underlined]] Co 
But I did not consider the Damard Company [[underlined]] anything but a sample not a real business, merely an enlarged laboratory experi- [[/underlined]]
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ment. That we would be much better of if we did not bother with the Damard Co and simply [[underlined]] consolidated Redmanol of which the profits equalled those of Damard [[/underlined]] altho' we had no plant nor equipment here and everything ran by [[underlined]] Bishop who only gets 50% commission and has to pay his own expenses. [[/underlined]] - as compared [[underlined]] to their 50% share in profits. [[/underlined]] By joining [[underlined]] Redmanol and Moldensite both owned by us; [[/underlined]] we could proceed as far as companies and equipment [[underlined]] are concerned [[/underlined]] and we get higher [[underlined]] prices for our products than Damard. [[/underlined]] But the only reason we wanted Damard was [[double underlined]] for the men [[/double underlined]] at the head and their staff. But contrary to the belief of Robson we [[underlined]] could entirely dispense with the help of P&J; [[/underlined]] were willing to [[underlined]] buy them out for [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our price mentioned before [[/underlined]] and