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[[underlined]] Feb 16. [[/underlined]] Went out to look for [[underlined]] Knudsen [[/underlined]] who has been three times to see me at 6 AM and who is [[underlined]] Captain on a gasoline & water supply boat. [[/underlined]] Found him at Water front park. [[underlined]] Engaged him at $200 and expenses. [[/underlined]] Another hot day. Bought groceries. Sent telegram to George that I have engaged a man and he should notify Capt. Arthur M. Scott c/o John E. Petterson Eles, 247 Park Ave. N.Y
^[[Chas]] Turner's address is: Juneland Apartments 13th & Drexel Ave Miami. Beach. Have notified him and Brown by telegram
[[underlined]] Feb 17. Knudsen [[/underlined]] aboard at 8 AM. Paid Bill Tracy. Visited [[underlined]] Avocet - owner Warwick [[/underlined]] Afternoon tried [[underlined]] ION [[/underlined]] in river then ahead to anchorage Coconut Grove. Had some
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trouble find new channel. Dean [[underlined]] Munroe [[/underlined]] came in his row boat. Delightfully cool and pleasant compared to that dock in Miami River.  
[[left margin]] X [[/left margin]]
Sent [[underlined]] telegram to [[/underlined]] George notifying am here at [[strikethrough]] Coconut [[/strikethrough]] Munroe until further notice  
Delightful night. Very bright moon. [[underlined]] Enjoy my boat again [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 18. [[/underlined]] Pleasant S. breeze. (For main notes see Log Book)
[[underlined]] Feb. 19. [[/underlined]] Sent letter to George B and [[strikethrough]] le [[/strikethrough]] pencil written letters for [[underlined]] Surcouf and for Sachs. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 20. Letter from Surcouf [[/underlined]] confirming my apprehensions about death of Mr. [[underlined]] Mercier and possible less good will or enthusiasm from Compagnie de Bethune. [[/underlined]] Cabled him are willing to buy out [[underlined]] Bethune [[/underlined]] and desire no ^[[other]] outside partners. Letter from [[underlined]] George describing his invention for using bakelite [[/underlined]] +