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Got telegram from [[underline]] George [[/underline]] my offer for [[underline]] "Hassee" not accepted, [[/underline]] and that he has mailed letter to Hamman probably in relation to sale of stock. Rather cheerless day. Evening brighter & cooler. Cabins put again in shape.
Engine room [[strikethrough]] leakes [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] top leaks. 
March 24. [[/underline]] At anchor. [[underline]] Turner [[/underline]] to Miami, so everything delightful. So is the weather
Letter from [[underline]] George giving his opinion about present and future of Bakelite Corporation 
A masterpiece of clear thinking and lucid expression. Felt delighted. His conclusions coincide [[/underline]] with mine.
[[left margin]] X [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Telegraphed [[/underline]] him accordingly. Nevertheless I may be worth while making a money sacrifice and
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[[start page]]
purchasing [[underline]] 1600 shares of the [[/underline]] stock held by R&H so as to safeguard better my position against any pirates who might acquire the remainder of R&H stock
R&H and friends have the following stock.
R&H.                   6269
                        183 pfd
Hamman                  150 com.
                          5 pfd
^[[Mrs.]] Hasslacher    225
                          7 Pfd
Roessler                150
                          5 Pfd
Ruhl                     60
                          2 pfd
Schleussner              90
Perth Amboy              90
                     - 1600
This 1600 + my stock + 4000 friendly votes would give me [[underline]] 49.54% [[/underline]] of voting power.
The R&H group or successor 15.51% or 5 directors to one of theirs. Not counting in pfd stock the situation is
5 = 49.46% for me and friends
1 = 19.23. for R&H group & friends