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At home found [[underlined]] stacks of accumulated correspondence
April 19. [[/underlined]] A very busy day at office. [[underlined]] Cables to Germany and about France. See letters and cables addressed to Rossi & Bishop also Surcouf. [[/underline]] Told the latter the [[underlined]] clauses and plans of Bethune unacceptable. [[/underlined]] Got thru a heap of work - principal part disposed of.
Evening went to [[underlined]] 25th Anniversary dinner in honor Dr. N. M. Butler [[/underlined]] Only [[underlined]] members of Columbia Faculty and their wives there. [[/underlined]] Splendid [[underlined]] evening, [[/underlined]] excellent speech by [[underlined]] Butler and by Dean Woodbury the latter toastmaster. [[/underlined]] No other speakers. Very enjoyable evening - excellent spirit
[[underlined]] April 20. Hays, Redman, George [[/underlined]] B [[strikethrough]] all in su [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Swan all in succession in conference concerning pending matters. Sales have dropped considerably as compared to same period last year due [[/underlined]] to
[[end page]]
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[[underlined]] new competition and lapse of our patents also due to reduced Radio and Motor car construction [[/underlined]]
Went to meeting of [[underlined]] Committee on Research at Columbia [[/underlined]] room of Dean [[underlined]] Woodbridge, ^[[McKee]] Bogert, Morgan [[/underlined]] (biology [[underlined]] Sherman, Bogert, Joblin [[/underlined]] (Medicine [[underlined]] Pegram and  Woodbridge [[/underlined]] there. Afterwards went back to office to resume my work.
Evening supper at University Club
[[left margin]] Turtle [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Great [[/underlined]] banter about my [[underlined]] turtle telegram and turtle which was expected. [[/underlined]] Cheerful evening
[[underlined]] April 21 [[/underlined]] Another very busy day at office [[underlined]] More cablegrams to Rossi. [[/underlined]] Talked [[underline]] about R&H stock to Hays. His views rather similar to mine; is entirely impartial. [[/underlined]] From what I guess, [[underlined]] his senior partner would like to buy the stock even at high figure of [[/underlined]] 575 which I think is absurd. Told him price should not be on [[underlined]] past [[/underlined]] history of company but on present value i.e book [[underlined]] value, [[/underlined]] present conditions of competition and reduced earnings and [[underlined]] future [[/underlined]] prospects. From [[underlined]] Schleussners conversation [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] yes [[/strikethrough]] Monday I should think [[underlined]] Duponts might [[/underlined]] 

Transcription Notes:
I use past tense 'underlined' with a 'd' because that is my understanding from the instructions. It seems a waste of time to edit just to remove the 'd' in 'underlined'. If I review and the transcriber just uses 'underline' I do not add the 'd'