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but Banks open. Office force only partial Sent certified check for $90000 for payment of Florida place.
Went to see [[underline]] Lindbergh [[/underline]] parade at University Club [[strikeout]] Ben [[/strikeout]] [[underline]] Endless procession [[/underline]] mostly military uniforms worn by militia.
[[underline]] June 14 [[/underline]] Rain all day. [[underline]] Rossi cables situation in France is so entangled that decision [[/underline]] should not be reached until after his return. 
[[underline]] June 15. General  physical medical examination  at Life Extension institute [[/underline]] Am told [[underline]] I am all right [[/underline]] No trouble with blood pressure, heart, lungs, or kidneys. Further report will follow. [[underline]] Feel much encouraged [[/underline]] 
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My blood pressure is [[underline]] 140. "Avocet" [[/underline]] has arrived in Perth Amboy. George and myself went to see her. They have had contrary weather all the time and they explain me several rather [[underline]] disappointing weak points of the vessel. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Took supper at [[/strikethrough]] She lies near new dock. The latter looks well constructed.
[[underline]] June 16. [[/underline]] Afternoon drove with Gordon Brown and Berliss in latter's car to [[underline]] Newark [[/underline]] to see exhibition [[underline]] of Bakelite Caravan". [[/underline]] The latter is well planned and very impressive Evening [[underline]] Petsche [[/underline]] came to visit me. 
June 17. Morning at office. Afternoon [[underline]] dentist [[/underline]] who filled small [[underline]] cavity [[/underline]] in lower left  [[underline]] Molar [[/underline]]. Then drove to [[underline]] Larchmont [[/underline]] where George now has a room