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has rendered me the same services in the management of Bakelite Corporation and [[red underline]] nobody is as well posted on all the plans thereof. [[/red underline]] So it is [[red underline]] natural that I should interest him with the task of administration - not an easy task - of my block of stock. [[/red underline]]
I [[red underline]] regret very much that George Roll notwithstanding his good intentions has proved so little suited to help me, and his [[/red underline]] interference, or that of other members of my family unacquainted with the details of Bakelite enterprise might prove a very serious handicap and irritation in [[red underline]] the work and responsibilities of George Baekeland [[/red underline]]
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[[vertical entry in left margin in red]] George B [[/left margin]]
^[[George B]] His [[red underline]] character, judgement, tact and knowledge as I have observed it [[strikethrough]] lately [[/strikethrough]] during [[/red underline]] several years, makes me feel confident that he is the man to [[strikethrough]] carry [[/strikethrough]] ^[[direct]] the destinies of Bakelite and my block of stock. I [[red underline]] have expressed myself repeatedly in this [[?]] to Celine and she seems to agree with these views. If the family after my death begins to show a divided opinion as to policies [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] there will be no end of quarrels and cross purposes [[/red underline]] to the detriment of the value and the future of this property 
Let [[red underline]] there be one single captain at the helm who knows his business [[/red underline]] and who can be [[red underline]] trusted [[/red underline]] to carry out his responsibilities, intelligently and with good judgement and honesty of purpose.