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and who is not handicapped with conflicting orders or policies from others less able than he.
[[underline]] May 9 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Executive meeting [[/red underline]] All there but [[red underline]] Karpen ill [[/red underline]] with grippe. All streneously busy at meeting from 10 AM to 5 P.M without interruption [[red underline]] Schleussner just recovered from pneumonia. [[/red underline]] Whole meeting smoothly and intelligent discussion. [[red underline]] Rossi just back from European visit. [[/red underline]] We made drastic cuts in all prices [[red underline]] of goods no longer protected by patents so as to free competition from Durez and Durite [[/red underline]] as well as to [[red underline]] discourage General Electric and others from making their own resins [[/red underline]] Very occupied day but
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feel renewed interest in my work. Stayed at University Club. Evening got acquainted with Mr. [[red underline]] Armour who gave his Yacht Utowana to Dr. David Fairchild for plant exploration in tropical [[/red underline]] regions
[[underline]] May 10 [[/underline]] Another very busy day, executive meeting. [[red underline]] Mills [[/red underline]] who is about [[red underline]] to leave for Europe [[/red underline]] present when Rossi reported about his European visit. Then [[red underline]] Oaks, Thompson and Lowe [[/red underline]] presented supplementary report as to desirable sites for location of a central plant which was discussed in details. Schleussner absent
[[underline]] May 11 [[/underline]] Further conferences [[red underline]] Layman [[/red underline]] reporting about toilet seat work. [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] etc Schleussner present. I had a long talk with [[red underline]] Mills [[/red underline]]