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[[red underline]] when our patents expired 
Therefore we should not charge any research overhead to products which are no longer patented. [[/red underline]] I feel very proud of Redman and the men on our staff in Bloomfield
[[underline]] May 19 [[/underline]] Long conference with [[red underline]] George B and Sanford Brown on various phases [[/red underline]] of present situation 
Went to Theater afternoon and Dick took me home this evening - Rain
[[underline]] May 20 [[/underline]] (Sunday) At home. [[strikethrough]] Rain [[/strikethrough]] in Snug Rock. Everything in [[strikethrough]] bl [[/strikethrough]] green and bloom. [[red underline]] Ninette here with Celine. [[/red underline]] No cook nor Butler
I read the second draft of [[red underline]] Trusteeship agreement drawn up by Hays. It is very different [[/red underline]] from 
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[[red underline]] the one I suggested and will not do. Shall have to draw it up myself. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] May 21. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] To office. New bu [[/strikethrough]] Cook here. - Sidonie who has been in service before, born in Dunkirk. At office all day
[[entry in left margin]] Made a second run of beer [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] May 22. [[/underline]] At office. George to go Jury duty. [[red underline]] George Roll away to Rochester Minnesota where his brother Sylvester has to undergo dangerous operation on stomach. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] May 23. [[/underline]] Am [[black and red underline]] leaving [[/black and red underline]] [[red underline]] for Chicago [[/red underline]] 
At office all morning Left with 2:35 train. Dick at Harmon with my valises. Hudson landscape, green and reposeful [[strikethrough]] see [[/strikethrough]] is again a pretty sight 
Everything seems quiet and reposeful. Well tilled prosperous looking farms. Erie canal quiet and pretty but very few boats
[[underline]] May 24 [[/underline]] Went to [[red underline]] Drake hotel. [[/red underline]] Pretty room with bath and view