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thesis and [[red underline]] Stas's work [[/red underline]] in relation thereto well received and received [[red underline]] many expression of friendliness and honor from my many friends there present. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] May 26 [[/underline]] Went with [[red underline]] Jacobs to visit Autopaint Company and discussed matter of their trouble with metallic cones [[/red underline]] sticking to barrel. Suggested remedies Mr. [[red underline]] Diehle, [[/red underline]] manager there I am [[red underline]] under impression that their inventory carries insufficient [[strikethrough]] det [[/strikethrough]] writing of of obsolete tools, [[/red underline]] molds and equipment and told so to Jacobs. He says he writes of as fast as Tax-law allows him.
Had another meeting [[red underline]] with Karpen, [[/red underline]] then visited Art Museum then left with afternoon Twenty Century Express
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for New York.
[[underline]] May 27. Sunday [[/underline]] [[red underline]] New butler [[/red underline]] there Henry - [[red underline]] a Swiss. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] May 28 [[/underline]] Busy day at office 
Discussed with [[red underline]] Rossi and Swan (Geo B still away on Jury duty) [[/red underline]] Havek situation and [[red underline]] decided Rossi to cable and withdraw his offer to Havek. [[/red underline]] Swan & Rossi favorably ^[[disposed towards Havek property]] 
Told to both our late decision to [[red underline]] continue investigation of Layman [[/red underline]] on toilet seats and of Sanford Brown on brake linings. Both agree it is desirable to do so altho' they consider it questionable at present to make definite plans whether we shall go into the subject permanently or not. To this I agree with them. Further progress will [[strikethrough]] show [[/strikethrough]] teach us what to do further.
Afternoon to [[red underline]] Columbia meeting [[/red underline]]

Transcription Notes:
Prout's hypothesis was studied by Jean Servais Stas in his work involving atomic weights. "writing of of" may mean "writing off of" "Havek" may refer to Haveg Industries, Inc., a Delaware company interesting in manufacturing plastics.