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[[underline]] June 17 [[/underline]] (Sunday)
Bright beautiful weather but [[red underline]] feel tired and uninterested. Nina and George Roll here with their children. George B and Cornelia in Connecticut [[/red underline]] 
[[underline]] June 18. [[/underline]] Executive meeting. All there. [[strikethrough]] Ear [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Net earnings of first five months for 1928 are over $550000, [[/red underline]]  which is higher than same period last year. Evening took [[strikethrough]] big [[/strikethrough]] bunch of large Mangoes from Florida to University Club.
[[underline]] June 19. [[/underline]] No meeting. Rain
[[underline]] June 20. [[/underline]] 9:00 AM. to dentist. No meeting.
June 21. Directors meeting.
[[vertical entry in left margin, in red]] Hamman offers Bakelite shares at 450 [[/vertical annotation]]
[[red underline]] Hamman in presence of Karpen offers 5000 shares of Bakelite corporation at $450 a share. We showed him how absurd the price is in view of situation
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[vertical entry in left margin, in red]] Value of Bakelite stock [[/vertical entry]]
of our company. [[red underline]] Hays figures that company situation of B Corp with that of R&H,[[/red underline]] and taking in consideration the price at which the men of R&H consider the right value of their shares [[red underline]] our stock at present is not worth over 367$ a share [[/red underline]] at the utmost [[red underline]] even this value is speculative. [[/red underline]] I drew this out of him in a discussion and he did the calculation by using the balance sheet of [[strikethrough]] 19 [[/strikethrough]] Jan 1, 1928 both of R&H and Bakelite
[[red underline]] Evening meeting at Chemists Club of Trustees of Société de Chimie Industrielle to raise funds for maintaining American Section Doir, treasurer, [[strikethrough]] presented [[/strikethrough]] suggests a letter which would have had the effect of winding up the section. [[red underline]] Dr. Geo Kung [[/red underline]] presided and agreed with me that a better letter should be