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[[red underline]] at a more reasonable price he wants to take half of this block or any. He does not answer my question but will be here next Friday [[red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] RH Baekeland stock for sale [[/left margin]]
Geo Roll away in Adirondacks Hot and sultry. Afternoon went to Larchmont.
[[strikethrough]] July 24 [[/strikethrough]] Hays has left also.
[[underlined]] July 24. [[/underlined]] [[red underline]] Karpen finally wires he will arrive Friday [[/red underline]] So went to [[red underline]] see Schleussner with George to find out what R&H would accept told [[/red underline]] him also, delay of our answer is due to belated answer and [[red underline]] arrival of Karpen. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Schleussner [[/strikethrough]] Very [[red underline]] friendly [[/red underline]] interview but [[red underline]] Schleussner [[/red underline]] tells me I should meet [[red underline]] Hamman [[/red underline]] who will be at office on [[strikethrough]] Frida [[/strikethrough]] Thursday
[[underline]] July 25 [[/underline]] Finished text of history of Chemists Club for
[[end page]]
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[[strikethrough]] Dr. Wagner [[/strikethrough]] Dr. Wagner at office Evening brought Maurice Oudin of General Electric Co to Snug Rock for supper and showed him how to start a home beer brew.
[[underline]] July 26 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Met Hamman [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] asked [[/strikethrough]] ^[[told]] [[red underline]] him 450$ hopelessly too high and would be rejected. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Asked [[/strikethrough]] Told him investment value of Stock of Bakelite Corporation [[red underline]] is not over 300. [[/red underline]] but as a [[underline]] speculative [[/underline]] investment 350 was the limit and anybody could buy at that price listed stock of excellent companies I well seasoned and of which the earning capacity and prospect were at least equal to that of our company. [[red underline]] He says that he can make no statement on the subject before consulting his associates [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] best [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] July 27. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] A. Karpen [[/red underline]] arrived