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[[left margin in red]] R&H [[/left margin]]
so as to let them sell at 50$ a share above the reasonable speculation value of our stock.  Furthermore [[red underlined]] Schleussner told me they do not want to sell to the Corporation, and quite naturally so because instead of selling all of their 5000 shares they right away get some back as a stock dividend. The reason why they want to sell the block of 5000 sh in its integrity and to me is that the block is worth more than if divided and that to me the block has more value than its intrinsic value. - I cannot afford to do otherwise but buy all of the 5000 if I am to make the sacrifice of paying 5000 x 50$ = 250000 [[/red underlined]] 
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[[left margin in red]] $2000000 [[/left margin]]
more than its value and [[red underlined]] furthermore shall be compelled[[/red underlined]] to sell my [[strikethrough]] foreve [[/strikethrough]][[red underlined]] Bonds at a considerable loss at present low market.  
So I have made my decision and unless Karpen can present good arguments to the contrary I shall begin to prepare for raising the [[strkethrough]] ca [[/strikethrough]] two million Dollars cash. [[/red underlined]]  
Not expecting a further offer from R&H I had last week given order to convert [[red underlined]] $300000 [[/red underlined]] cash I had on call in [[strikethrough]] rea [[/strikethrough]] stocks. So [[red underlined]] I countermanded [[/red underlined]] to day and on the contrary [[red underlined]] am beginning to sell some stock. [[/red underlined]]
Had lunch with [[red underlined]] Brady [[/red underlined]] and Dr. [[red underlined]] Brestead [[/red underlined]] the great [[red underlined]] Egyptologist [[/red underlined]] of [[red underlined]] Chicago University, [[/red underlined]] always the same pleasant and interesting man.