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[[red underlined]] Hays says [[/red underlined]] it would be [[red underlined]] difficult to sell it while 1 common = 1 1/2 Pfd would suit better the bankers. 
Karpen again [[/red underlined]] comes to [[red underlined]] plan of buying 5000 shares for corporation.[[/red underlined]] Does not see or [[red underlined]] does not want to see that these 5000 shares at present distributed amongst many, will not insure the future of the company as well as placed in strong hands as mine. [[/red underlined]] Nor does he seem to appreciate the fact that [[red underlined]] at present and much more in the future it is due to my own votes that he gets 4 Directors [[/red underlined]] and that I [[underlined]] have to use some of my votes in his favor to allow him to appoint Berlin as a director.  This is one reason the more for me in case A. Karpen [[strikethrough]] shoul [[/strikethrough]] who is an excellent and [[/red underlined]] 
[[left margin in red]] 4 Directors !! Karpen has more directors than allowed [[/left margin]]
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[[red underlined]] valuable director should come to be superseded by less desirable men or objectionable men proposed by Karpen Brothers. [[/red underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Aug 8 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Redman [[/red underlined]] is [[red underlined]] away [[/red underlined]] on the [[red underlined]] summer meeting of American Chemical Society [[/red underlined]] 
[[left marginin red]] Selling my bonds [[/left margin]][[underlined]] Aug 8. [[/underlined]] Much cooler. Spent the whole morning in the [[red underlined]] Vaults of Guaranty Trust co. [[/red underlined]] Made detailed list of my bonds. A long [[red underlined]] tiresome tedious job. Shall be glad to get rid of all these bulky bonds. This is the very first time in my life that I spent [[/red underlined]] so much time on a bond-counting [[red underlined]] job. [[/red underlined]]
This afternoon I gave to [[red underlined]] Rossi [[/red underlined]] detailed account of [[red underlined]] happenings [[/red underlined]] and why [[red underlined]] I decided to buy all the bonds myself. He understands my point of view. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Aug 9. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Hays [[/red underlined]] reports to me that [[red underlined]] R&H [[/red underlined]] would [[red underlined]] prefer [[/red underlined]] to sell the [[strikethrough]] bonds [[/strikethrough]] stock [[red underlined]] Ex Dividend [[/red underlined]] as this would save them