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[[left margin in red]] Unreliability of [[underlined]] Geo Roll [[/underlined]] !! [[/left margin]]
at the same time to supervise accounting. Bank representative appeared on time.  [[red underlined]] George Roll again late. [[/red underlined]] After waiting 20 minutes and so as not to be too late for the armored car which is to transport the bonds to the bank, we started without him.  [[red underlined]] Finally George Roll [[/red underlined]] arrived at [[red underlined]] 11:30 AM. Just one hour late. [[/red underlined]]  Excused himself that [[red underlined]] he did not know it was so late, [[/red underlined]] altho' at 10:10 A.M. when I left the office for the bank I [[red underlined]] reminded time that he was due at the bank at 10:30 A.M.  I do not remember ever having seen him on time unless he was prodded and even then managed to get late! [[/red underlined]]
Took one hour and forty minutes to count and examine the bonds. Then appeared the men of the armored car, four all armed with [[red underlined]] revolvers [[/red underlined]] slung into their hip cartridge belts, black shirts gray [[red underlined]] knickerbockers, and leather leggings. [[/red underlined]] The bonds were put into
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[[left margin in red]] George Roll [[/left margin]]
[[strikethrough]] les [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] strong canvass belts and sealed before us, (string and lead seals) [[/red underlined]] receipt given for value, and [[red underlined]] this relieves me of the custody of these cumbersome bonds, [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] empties my two big boxes [[/red underlined]] as the vault. My stock certificates etc take very little room.  [[red underlined]] Am very glad this matter is finished, altho' much disappointed at George Roll incorrigible habit of being late and slow. I have treaded less in the most friendly and encouraging way since our acute exchange of views last December; [[/red underlined]] with the best will of the world I cannot ignore his limitations.
[[red underlined]] Found amongst the bonds 562.00$ worth of coupons which ought to have been cashed last May and which Celine had overlooked [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Aug 20. [[/underlined]] Went to [[red underlined]] Guaranty Trust Co [[strikethrough]] and ordered [[/strikethrough]] to ask for my balance so as to send check of $300000 on account to R&H. Co.  Cashier tells me that $300000 which I ordered yesterday [[/red underlined]]