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[[vertical entry in left margin in red]] ION [[/vertical entry]]
spouts in the distance (see my Log Book) one very thin, the other wide and dark both connecting sea below with dark clouds above Saw them move and pass each other. Shortly afterwards we were in a rain squall and lost them out of view.
Arrived before Long Key at about noon just as Dr. Rosengarten with his yacht "Mariposa" was leaving. He and guests waved hands while I was getting ashore in dinghy [[strikethrough]] Sena [[/strikethrough]] Inquired for telegrams none. Wired home and to office. Took luncheon at Club House. Evening went for anchor at Fish house below the Bridge. Met Seabury's father at Club House also Rogers, and Crowningshield 
[[underline]] March 29. [[/underline]] At telegraph office [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] Long Key got telegrams telling "All is well" both
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[[left margin in red]] ION [[/left margin]]
from Celine and from office so left for Bahia Honda, where anchored about 5 P.M in same spongers anchorage behind shoal near viaduct North of Bahia Honda Key. Good fishing after dark.
[[underline]] March 30. [[/underline]] Beach combing on flats for lobsters and stone crabs and conchs. At noon left for Bahia Honda Bridge and anchored just S.W. of Bridge thru small cut, in shoal. Afterwards went in power dinghy around No Name Key which now has Ferryboat landing on its Easterly point and is connected by wooden trestle bridge with Key West thus allowing connection by motor with Key West.
Returning had wind and spray in our face and all three arrived ^[[quite wet]] o/b. ION

Transcription Notes:
"o/b" may mean "on board"