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sometimes easily cowed by men or women who knew how to handle him. His [[underlined in red]] present age (80) [[\underlined in red]] very probably has accentuated these traits. I do not want to make it easier for him to fall again the dupe to [[underlined in red]] scheming women. [[\underlined in red]] - Yet I cannot tell him so because I want to avoid arousing his anger. He says he helped me [[strikethrough]] with a [[/strikethrough]] "when I was very poor and ill to go in business together. He overlooks that I was then absolutely helpless and had no fortune of my own, nor rich relatives nor rich friends all of which he has as by his own statement. Nor that this was the means of joining me in a business which proved [[underlined in red]] the [[strikethrough]] best [[/strikethrough]] very best investment he ever made and made him rich again [[\underlined in red]]
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That furthermore I [[underlined in red]] never received [[\underlined in red]] a [[underlined in red]] salary [[\underlined in red]] and that this compelled me to borrow money from him for which I [[underlined in red]] paid interest [[\underlined in red]] which continuously increased my debts to him and when we finally sold out at a good price all this being charged to me I the originator, the mainstay of the business, executive chemist, manufacturer etc all combined received a much reduced share of which he got by far the largest part.  But he managed to gradually lose it by [[underlined in red]] marrying [[\underlined in red]] again, [[underlined in red]] divorcing [[\underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] stupid investments [[\underlined in red]] which turned long and by living decidedly above his income, [[underlined in red]] without having any family or dependents [[\underlined in red]] to care for. - Sheer vanity [[strikethrough]] or craving for [[\strikethrough]] to appear as a rich man to his friends, as well as an inborn taste for [[strikethrough]] molly [[/strikethrough]] mollycoddled so called [[strikethrough]] net [[/strikethrough]] comforts and