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[[underlined in red]] running around barefooted [[/underlined in red]] This evening kept them laughing until they rolled on the floor [[underlined in red]] telling them stories. [[/underlined in red]] Very warm [[strikethrough]] June 21 [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] June 21. [[/underlined]] Cooler. [[underlined in red]] Brooksie better. George [[/underlined in red]] has a [[underlined in red]] boil [[/underlined in red]] in [[underlined in red]] his ear. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] June 22. [[/underlined]] Did not go to office. Toothache and earache Afternoon went to Larchmont [[underlined in red]] Dicky [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] here. since beginning of measles of Brooksie. Both very happy [[underlined in red]] here - as happy as [[strikethrough]] any [[/strikethrough]] children can be. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] June 23. (Sunday) [[/underlined]] Here all day Afternoon Larchmont
[[underlined]] June 24. [[/underlined]] Meeting with Leo Karpen Dr. Dodge. Geo B. in relation to purchase of patent rights which Karpen Bros [[strikethrough]] pake [[/strikethrough]] research Co. offers to B.C. Evening at U.C.
[[underlined]] June 25. [[/underlined]] Very sultry and rain
[[underlined]] June 26. [[/underlined]] Suddenly cool. Talk with Berliss to tell him we are losing at the rate of 40000$ in his department and to make
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him realise the result of cutting prices on which he has so much invested
[[underlined]] June 28. [[/underlined]] Still cool. Evening went to meeting of Trustees of Chemists Club by invitation. The "bounders" [[underlined in red]] want to rebuild the Club. at [[/underlined in red]] expense of [[underlined in red]] $135000 [[/underlined in red]] All the [[underlined in red]] older members [[/underlined in red]] and old presidents are [[underlined in red]] against the folly. But [[/underlined in red]] the originators of the project have timed action while Redman and others are away so as to rush action and seem bent to take the Club and its funds by the throat.
[[underlined]] June 29 [[/underlined]] Went to see [[underlined in red]] Dr. Ziressci [[/underlined in red]] he with [[underlined in red]] Whitaker, Grosvenor, Metzger, Ansond and others as well as myself is violently opposed to the action proposed by that group of Bounders. [[/underlined in red]] - Promised to be around Monday afternoon at meeting of Trustees of Chemists Club Building Company, where steam roller methods are intended by the "bounder" group Have cabled long week and letter to Redman to make him acquainted with the facts. Afternoon went to [[underlined in red]] Larchmont [[/underlined in red]] Yacht Club. - Cool
[[underlined]] June 20. Sunday. Cool [[/underlined]] Yesterday went to Geo B. house. Brooksie is over his measles and was swimming [[underlined in red]] The two oldest grandchildren [[/underlined in red]] still here happy as larks and afraid they have have to return home.
[[strikethrough]] June 30. Office as usually [[/strikethrough]]