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[[underlined in red]] that half of his samples show cracks in this dry atmosphere. [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] He is going to offer them to Dupont [[/strikethrough]] Evidently he wants [[strikethrough]] cash [[/strikethrough]] more immediate cash.
Dec. 6 & 7 busy as usual. Evening went to Century Dinner & concert Too much tobacco smoke at the latter so left early
[[underlined]] Dec. 8 [[/underlined]] (Sunday). Home all day [[underlined in red]] May Sarton [[/underlined in red]] for luncheon. The [[underlined in red]] little girl has grown into a young lady. [[/underlined in red]] Has set her heart upon training for the classical stage [[underlined in red]] Dickie Baekeland  [[/underlined in red]] very inquisitive as usually at table about many questions difficult to answer. 
[[stirkethrough]] Decc [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Dec. 11. [[/underlined]] Wrote my annual [[strikethrough]] report [[/strikethrough]] presidential report of Bakelite Corporation
Evening supper with Mr. [[strikethrough]] Trist [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] Trist of London [[/underlined in red]] at University Club. He has a new printing press and wants to use Bakelite as a base of his plates
[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Trist [[/left margin]] 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Dec. 11 [[/underlined]] Another interview with [[underlined in red]] Vredenburg [[/underlined in red]] and his expert George B. Rossi & Sanford Brown want to offer him [[underlined in red]] $25000 cash for one year option [[/underlined in red]] during which time we carry on experiments at our expense to determine whether cracking in dry air can be overcome and whether molding powder can be left without spoiling for a sufficient time. after which we would bind ourselves to spend a sum of 1000000$ for forming company of which they would have 25% common stock we 75%. furthermore they would get 375000$ Pfd 6% com. guaranteed by us and to be retired [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in cash within a specified period. [[underlined in red]] I am far from being so enthusiastic as they are. Redman feels the same as I. [[/underlined in red]] So I wired a very long telegram to Potter in London explaining the whole