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[[red underlined]] Barret [[/red underlined]] wants to meet me and [[red underlined]] George Monday [[/red underlined]] and wants to get from Swan details about [[red underlined]] our sales. [[red underlined]] Townsend also authorizes me to [[red underlined]] break the secret to Sandford Brown [[/red underlined]]  and to Hylton Swan. So to each I broke the news in all details pledging them to secrecy.
[[underlined]] Aug. 23. [[/underlined]] Strong rain & cooler went to office. [[red underlined]] George B [[/red underlined]] away for week and on Col. Pope's yacht.   Submitted to [[strikethrough]] Sanfo [[/strikethrough]] Swan then to Sanf. Brown raw draft for contract with [[red underlined]] Trist [[/red underline]] on which we agreed, so that I may submit it to Hays. - [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] Swan raised question of him becoming stockholder in Pantone company in view that up till now never had opportunity for buying Bakelite Stock. - Told him that in view of his persistent and useful work in these printing matter processes I would try to find a way which 
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would be acceptable to him after I had submitted the matter to the others. Took Sanford Brown to University Club for luncheon talking over business matters
[[underlined]] Aug 26 [[/underlined]] Sunday. Cool [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] ^[[and]] sunny. All day here attending to many matters & calculations. Intended to go to camp but all the new events make it impossible. [[strikethrough]] Sent help [[/strikethrough]] Let help go out all day so as to be undisturbed in my work
[[left margin in red]] X [[left margin]]
[[underlined]] Aug 25 [[/underlined]] Met [[red underlined]] C. P. Townsend & Barret [[/ red underlined]] by appointment in the the latters office. Geo. Baekeland with me. Took documents with me relating to our sales and earnings also copy of Lybrandt's report for end 1930 Before leaving Geo. B. told me he had met [[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]] Colonel Fred [[red underlined]] Pope [[/red underlined]] yesterday and the latter [[red underlined]] had told him of unpleasant relations with Rafferty, [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] general head of Mfg. Dept. of United Carbon Carbide that the latter had 
[[right margin vertically in red]] Union Carbide [[/right margin]]
[[left margin vertically strikethrough]] George told me this on Aug [[/left margin strikethrough]]