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[[underline]] Sept 23. [[/underline]] Went to [[red underline]] dentist [[/red underline]]. The [[strikethrough]] last [[/strikethrough]] upper left incisive he cemented hurts Xray and examination. Looks as if had to drill. Will wait till tomorrow.
[[red underline]] Philip Schleussner [[/red underline]] came to see me to urge me to [[red underline]] merge with Dupont [[/red underline]]. He knows nothing about our negotiations with United Carbon & Carbide. He says they are all intensely pleased with the deal they made with Dupont and everybody feels happy in his work. [[Strikethrough]] Urges me [[/strikethrough]] No changes have been made in their autonomy etc. Told him would think it over and let him know.  Pantone experiments going on in Jersey City on our new book
[[underline]] Sept 24 [[/underline]] Opening of lectures at [[red underline]] Columbia [[/red underline]] at 3:30 P.M. went [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] in procession with my gown. Afterwards took Ellwood Hendrick to University Club to Sam Hill who has a room
[[underline]] Sept 25. [[/underline]] Had wired to [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] who was on a vacation in Canada to join Rossi, George [[strikethrough]] ans [[/strikethrough]] and Sanford Brown this morning. Submitted them the proposal of [[red underline]] Barret which the latter says is the best he can do and which pays us [[/red underline]] 
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partly in preferred Bakelite etc and amounting [[red underline]] to about $20 million [[/red underline]] evaluating [[red underline]] preferred at 110$ [[/red underline]] a share and United C&C at [[red underline]] $80 [[/red underline]] a share common. Told them why I rejected. They also reject it. Then showed them my proposal of exchange of our stock 1 share Common + 1½ Bakelite Preferred to be exchanged for 12½ shares of Union C&C. common. They all endorse my proposal and nothing less. Told them was to submit it this afternoon. [[red underline]] They all would prefer to deal with Dupont. [[/red underline]] Went to see [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] at 2:30 P.M. and submitted him my terms. He [[red underline]] thinks they will not accept. [[/red underline]] Then we went to [[red underline]] Barrets [[/red underline]] office and I explained my proposition to him logically. Says he [[red underline]] does not think [[/red underline]] his superiors will accept [[red underline]] because my proposition is about 50% higher than his, [[/red underline]] and that he would not have the reasons to advocate it. - Told him never mind, submit it and give them my reasons the way I gave them to you and let [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] me the burden of my own arguments. [[red underline]] If they decline [[/red underline]]