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on this point. - [[red underline]] Union Carbide also has much reduced earnings [[/red underline]] than [[strikethrough]] last [[/strikethrough]] in 1930, when it made barely its 2.60% common
[[red underline]] George thinks at present Wall street quotations, [[/red underline]] for earnings Union Carbide [[red underline]] stock should go down to 30! That company is no longer listed amongst the best companies. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] April 24 [[/underline]] Went out to [[red underline]] Sands Key with Dr. & Mrs. Fairchild [[/red underline]]
Light rain at the beginning then clearing after luncheon aboard. Had a delicious day "beach combing" along the shore. The Fairchilds have never been here and were delighted. Back home 6:30 P.M.
Found letter with bad news about sales & profits much less than 1930. [[strikethrough]] Wrote letter to [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Letters from]] George [[strikethrough]] one to [[/strikethrough]] and Redman 
[[underline]] April 25. [[/underline]] Went sailing in sloop.
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[[underline]] April 26 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Mailed letter Air-Mail to George about pending matters. 
Afternoon excellent long sail in sloop alone
[[underline]] April 27 [[/underline]] Visit of [[red underline]] Seabury and his wife. [[/red underline]] Then visited Com. Munroe
A [[red underline]] dead manatee [[/red underline]] has been stranded near my harbor and is easily located by its smell. Lower skeleton is denuded since a few days. Put lime on it and dirt and stones to prepare it for skeleton.
[[underline]] April 28. [[/underline]] Went out sailing afternoon in sloop
[[underline]] April 29. [[/underline]] Ditto. Fairchilds here this evening
[[underline]] April 30. [[/underline]] Simmons and Fairchild here to bud [red underline]] Cherrymoya [[/red underline]] on my pond apples. [[red underline]] Simmons [[/red underline]] has been ill and looks it and came out of bed for doing the budding.

Transcription Notes:
**Cherimoya (alternate spelling) is a tree or shrub which grows in tropical and semitropical climates. It produces apple-like fruits. I don't know if this is what he was referencing, but was the closest identification of the word I could make.