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use them. [[red underline]] Quicker molding better color. [[/red underline]] All matters which our research department has overlooked while spending large sums of money on [[/red underline]] other matters for the distant future.
Evening went to University Club for supper. Bridges and the other friends gave me cordial welcome.
[[underline]] June 16.[[/underline]] Early at office. Dr. [[red underline]] Maechlin [[/red underline]] came to see me. [[strikethrough]] Lowe [[/strikethrough]] Gave me information about [[red underline]] Pantone [[/red underline]] situation. Have [[red underline]] overcome practically all the difficulties and imperfections which Trist had left unfinished [[/red underline]] and now hope to transfer the whole outfit next month to Bloomfield where rooms are being cleared. M. has had some quarrels with Higgins, the latter being morose and quarrelsome etc. Told [Maechlin he will soon be 
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in more cheerful and congenial surroundings in Bloomfield.
Spent day in examining our books. Our [[red underline]] liquid reserves are [[strikethrough]] above [[/strikethrough]] still above four million Dollars [[/red underline]] but have melted considerably, thru construction of new factory and other expenses, also thru lower market values of bonds and stocks. [[red underline]] Italian situation reported to have been settled satisfactorily [[/red underline]] thru sale and we shall not have to spend further money on it. Germany will pay us [[red underline]] $80000 in dividends from 1930, and England about $40000. - Autopoint is losing money, so again is Canada [[/red underline]] which last year was operating at a profit. C. P. [[red underline]] Townsend's [[/red underline]] illness has [[strikethrough]] taken more [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] become worse. Redman [[/red underline]] seems well again but [[red underline]] discards warnings of his physician [[/red underline]] and his friends and is too [[red underline]] optimistic [[/red underline]] about his condition. From what I can see [[red underline]] our net earnings have fallen below what's necessary for the 8% ordinary common dividends and even the preferred dividends of one write off [[/red underline]]