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[[left margin in red]] Stupidity of broadly publishing patents [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] on examining varnishes made [[/red underline]] by infringing our patents, we could offer positive evidence of [[red underline]] infringement he answers: "No". This is not the first time such a stupidity has been committed of unnecessarily publishing our processes in foreign patents long before it became advisable or necessary. [[/red underline]] I imagine the [[red underline]] desire of some of our [[/red underline]] men to see [[red underline]] their name in print at the head of published patents, regardless its killing effect on our program, has something to do with this. - I have warned them over and over again but the mistakes continue. 1/ I protested energetically when Sanford Brown got that Canadian patent published on Halowax under his name. [[/red underline]]
Then the [[red underline]] stupidity of the Redman Cheetham, paper patent of which the publication was entirely [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]]unnecessary in view of the fact that my broader paper patent was still running and protected us sufficiently. [[/red underline]] - And now again this [[red underline]] untimely publication [[/red underline]] of the [[red underline]] Turkington - Butler patent [[/red underline]] allows [[red underline]] all our competitors here and abroad to copy our methods and thus kill all our long and expensive preparations for the varnish trade [[/red underline]]  On inquiry I find that the [[red underline]]Operating Committee approved the publication; altho' it had been well agreed since former similar blunders were committed that no patents would be applied for without my consent [[/red underline]]  I feel [[red underline]] deeply disquieted [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] discouraged [[/red underline]] at this random carrying out of orders. - I suspect that when I go for information (when Geo B & Redman who are now on vacation return) that I shall find that both of them