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schooling than he or look less directly at the money part of anything they undertake. I have every reason to believe that Sanford Brown who is only a small stockholder in Bakelite would go much of the way [[red underline]] for bringing about a merger or business combination of so called financial men, [[/red underline]] where they preponderent importance of the Baekeland family would be reduced and where [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] he would fine better chance to [[red underline]] play a first violin, [[/red underline]] while men like George or Redman or even Rossi would be appointed to minor parts or even eliminated I am underline suspicion that his relations with Karpen are much influenced by this project. He is very patient, as patient as a cat for a mouse. Is a good listener but [[red underline]] not quick to commit himself [[/red underline]] Instead of a firm [[strikethrough]] yeas [[/strikethrough]] "yes" [[strikethrough]] he often tries to dodge [[/strikethrough]] or "no" he often tries to dodge by and indecisive nod.
[[underline]] Dec 12 [[/underline]] Rossi back; so held meeting preliminary to the coming [[strikethrough]] last [[/strikethrough]] Stockholders meting & directors meeting. Present GeoB, Rossi, Redman Sanford Brown ^ Swan.
Brought up letter of [[red underline]] Karpen advocating strongly to put Brock in charge of development Redman alone in favor. [[/red underline]] Rossi - George, and Swan strongly against. See my letter to Karpen I want to do justice to Brock as I did for Shrimpe when the latter had incurred the ill will of Rossi. So I proposed several trouble ways of utilising services of Brock all rejected. Finally we all agreed inputting[[red underline]] Brock [[/red underline]] in our [[red underline]] paper mill, [[/red underline]] and where [[red underline]] Wightman [[/red underline]] himself confirms that he does not know enough about Bakelite to make a rapid success Am delighted at this outcome and shall write accordingly to Karpen Then I proposed changing Bye-laws so as to [[red underline]] curtail somewhat the power of Vice presidents [[/red underline]] and to make them stop
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their habit of involving the corporations and make important decisions without even giving me a chance for advice or approval. - [[red underline]] If the company goes to pieces they will not be blamed but the finer will be pointed to me. Redman [[/red underline]] is the only who outspokenly [[red underline]] approves my stand. [[/red underline]] George has [[strikethrough]] ob [[/strikethrough]] objections so as Hays so has Rossi [[strikethrough]] but the, [[/strikethrough]] Swan did not commit himself. - But Sanford Brown found good opportunity for criticising everybody but himself and is against until I [[strikethrough]] flored [[/strikethrough]] stopped him to help me with better suggestions Session from 10 to 1P.M afternoon went to U. club.
[[underline]] Dec 14 [[/underline]]
Paid income Taxes 4th instalment for 1930 = $16808.25. Hurried day preparing agenda for coming directors meeting. Quite a stir and [[red underline]] difference of opinion between George B. and Hays [[/red underline]] as to policy of reinvesting bonds & stock of Bakelite Corporation. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] seems to have unbounded faith in the judgement of [[red underline]] Young & Otley [[/red underline]] who are our advisers. Hays has some doubts and wants to modify their advice Sanford [[red underline]] Brown "sits on fence" [[/red underline]] ready to criticise afterwards. - No use consulting Redman who is less qualified on these subjects. But consulted Rossi and George wrote to Karpen. - [[red underline]] If it were my personal investments I could act at my own risk. [[/red underline]] but not here where even the most reputed [[red underline]] finances look like mere guessers after their predictions [[/red underline]] and actions are [[red underline]] made ridiculous [[/red underline]] by unexpected succeeding events