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morning, preparing papers relating to committees to be appointed before my departure. After we had discussed the present situation in Canada and what measures to take to stop increasing losses there. The [[red underlined]] conversation drifted to the European situation and he was planning to go there again this year etc. [[/red underlined]] Then suddenly he shifted from this subject and asked me: [[red underlined]] "Am I to get anything additional to the 15000$ salary [[/red underlined]] I got this year?"  To which I answered: "You were present when this subject was discussed and settled and agreed upon in June and you voted the formal resolution to this effect. - [[red underlined]] Why do you bring up this matter now after our annual meetings [[/red underlined]] are over [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough] where you had every opportunity to bring up this subject for discussion. Do you think you are entitled 
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to more than Rossi and the others?" [[red underlined]] He answered: "My services are worth more, [[/red underlined]] I am receiving now the same compensation as I got several years ago. - Weger and Sachs get more than I get here." 
I told him that [[red underlined]] W & S [[/red underlined]] get is none of our doings nor desire. That a present the [[red underlined]] company is losing money [[/red underlined]] while several years ago we were earning millions. That altho' everybody appreciated his services he should not exaggerate them. [[red underlined]] If Halowax [[/red underlined]] is supposed to have [[red underlined]] made 85000$ [[/red underlined]] this year other departments of Bakelite, for instance [[red underlined]] grindstone resins etc. made decidedly more; [[/red underlined]] the same holds good for regular [[red underlined]] varnish [[/red underlined]] while other departments like molding mixtures were the heavy losers. That all this was to a certain extent a matter of luck. Just as the [[red underlined]] transparent [[/red underlined]] department about 10 [[red underlined]] years ago was by far the best [[/red underlined]]