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in general and [[red underline]] Sanford Brown in particular. [[/red underline]] All these happenings will postpone my departure for Florida altho' [[red underline]] I very much need a rest. [[/red underline]] 
[[underline]] Dec. 25. [[/underline]] 
[[note in left margin in red ]] 
Xmas [[/note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] Christmas. [[/red underline]] Windy & cold but no rain. Christmas tree all ready in reception room for the children. [[strikethrough]] Sp [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Celine very busy [[/red underline]] with helping cook and maid with Turkey and dinner for whole family, while I am working along on endless matters [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] which [[red underline]] keep me busy writing all morning. [[/red underline]] Then arrive [[red underline]] the Rolls with their children, [[/red underline]] then later George B and his family accompanied with Zeeryp his wife and little daughter. Table set for 16! about the limit. Children full of fun and joy and play but behaved very well at the table. [[red underline]] Little Freddie is a wide awake blue eyed, very light and straight hair. He talks well and rather rapidly, [[red underline]] amuses himself [[/red underline]] best 
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by [[red underline]] crawling under beds and tables[[/red underline]] and collecting whatever he finds there and bringing it to me as a present. 
A very cheerful gathering except George who [[strikethrough]] looks as [[/strikethrough]] bears a frown and seems bored and ready to get away. - Detained him for awhile to discuss [[red underline]] Sanford Brown situation, Nina's financial condition [[/red underline]] and to arrange a further meeting with Freeman and his two men. George suggests we meet in the hotel Chatham where he will rent a private room so as to avoid unrest thru visits at our office until the subject looks more definite.
[[underline]] Dec. 26. [[/underline]] 
[[note in left margin in red]]
[[red underline]] Depression [[/red underline]]
[[/note in left margin]] 
Busy revising my ^[[5 minute]] [[red underline]] phonograph talk in "Chemistry" [[/red underline]]  which I have promised to Watson Davis. 
The [[red underline]] general business depression and many treatning conditions has cast a deep gloom over everybody everywhere. [[/red underline]] Even during the Xmas time during the war

Transcription Notes:
Zeeryp is a friend mentioned in previous diaries.