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[[underline]] Feb. 16 [[/underline]] contrary to expectations the [[red underline]] annual Chowder Party on Matheson's Island [[/red underline]] and gathering of Yachts men will again occur on Washington Birthday. So [[strikethrough]] stas [[/strikethrough]] we are putting Ion in shape.
Further work on my complicated Income Tax returns. Afternoon went sailing alone for 2 hours in little Cape-Cod sloop. Delightful.
This night, beautiful starry sky I heard the [[red underline]] drumming of an Air plane [[/red underline]] coming from the South to land at the nearby Air-Field Its pilot light with the invisible plane appeared like a meteorite gliding by in a rapid curve [[red underline]] What changes have occured since the beginning of this Century [[/red underline]] How well do I remember that meeting of our little local Club - in Yonkers - The Anvil
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[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Air planes ? [[/left margin]]
Club, where the subject of the evening was: [[red underline]] Is it possible to fly? - This occured about 1907! [[/red underline]] And how [[red underline]] Ten Eyck, lawyer, Judge Hitchcock also lawyer, and Mr. Hubbard President of the [[/red underline]] N.Y Cotton Exchange and a [[red underline]] Clergyman [[/red underline]] who was present all [[red underline]] poked fun [[/red underline]] at the subject Only those of us, [[red underline]] Chemists or Engineers took the matter up seriously by analysing the difficult [[/red underline]] points. - This discussion was a miniature of the way humanity considers new problems by its own inclination, training and prejudices.
[[underline]] Feb. 17. [[/underline]] Received a letter from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] concerning Terwilliger who obtained a new colorless transparent heat resisting resinoid from Butane thru polymerisation by means of Ultraviolet light and offers to undertake further