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Another very busy day like all preceding ones.
Received long sp. delivery letter from George urging me to come to N.Y to discuss [[underline red]] Union Carbide situation [[/underline red] with [[underline red]] Dillon [[/underline red] who is leaving for Europe April 1 Wrote long letter to him sp. del. addressed to Scarsdale - telling him no use for me coming [[underline red]] until we had agreed upon commission and obligations of Dillon [[/underline red] Also do not see how the latter can help us if he is to be in Europe. All this will reach him Sunday and the telegram Saturday in Scarsdale. Afternoon visit of Livermore Celine announces her arrival Tuesday 5:18 P.M.
March 5. Have sent [[strikethrough]] another [[/strikethrough]] telegram to George answering his urging that I should meet Dillon giving my
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77) reasons [[strikethrough]] why not further explained by special delivery [[/strikethrough]] that [[underline red]] I cannot see how Dillon can be useful in this transaction if he intends to be away in Europe. [[/underline red]]
[[strikethrough]] Still [[/strikethrough]] Wind is moderated but shifts Westerly & Northerly. Barometer 29.4 Temp. 10 P.M = 76°F I went to visit [[underline red]] Dr. Stillwell,[[/end underline red]] the engineer, at his cottage at Nur Brett. He suffers of [[underline red]] rhumatism [[/underline red]] Long interesting talk describing his early experiences as an electrical Engineer at [[underline red]] Westinghouse [[/underline red]] and his work with [[strikethrough]] Tesla [[/strikethrough]] [[underline red]] Adams [[/underline red]] and with [[underline red]] Tesla [[/underline red]]. While he expressed great admiration for Adams he has [[underline red]] scant admiration [[/underline red]] for [[underline red]] Tesla [[/underline red]]. - The latter he says never showed the spirit of a true engineer [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] and his knowledge as such was very defective. He had an [[underline red]] irritable conceit [[/underline red]] and always ready to claim for himself