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friends and a happy life, than mere surplus millions! I wrote this story so that my children or grandchildren may see a lesson in it after I am gone.
March 16-1932. Telegram A. [[underline red]] Karpen [[/underline red]] urging ^[[me]] again strongly to [[underline red]] declare preferred dividend [[/underline red]] Wired back urging the contrary
^[[underline]] [[March 17]] [[/underline]]
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] March 17 Directors meeting! [[/left margin]] 
[[begin large bracket { in the left margin]] 
George phoned me this evening that Rossi [[strikethrough]] Geo [[/strikethrough]] & Swan helped us in our stand. So Redman S Brown & Karpen had no leg to stand on. Told George that I wired to [[underline red]] Dillon [[/underline red]] that the latter's letter instead of stipulating his commission says nothing but generalities [[/large bracket in left margin]]
Told George again I do not want to go ahead until 
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[[underline red]] Dillon [[/underline red]] expressed neatly his terms of commission. [[underline red]] George [[/underline red]] still thinks otherwise. Told him do not want to put cart before the horse. [[underline red]] George wants me to go to New York [[/underline red]] now for fear I may be too late. His voice sounded weak and tired. Told him he should show what stuff he was made of. He answered that he was not the stuff for this. - [[underline red]] Evidently tired and [[/underline red]] discouraged after a very busy day. It was 9 P.M when he spoke and he was still in N.Y. 
[[strikethrough]][[underline]] Monday [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[This morning]] Wrote letter to Redman about his experiments with A+ NaOH. Watchful waiting all day. This in the Director's meeting. Yesterday got a telegram from [[underline red]] Karpen [[/underline red]]