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Went to bed at ten while outside on the pier were gathering thousands of young men and women, very few older people, who had come "to see friends off," and made a time of it by singing and waving hats, etc. Smooth seas. - Restful night
[[underline]] May 19. [[/underline]] Up early. Beautiful calm weather altho cool, but sunny. There are only about 50 first class passengers, but perhaps twice as many second class and also in third class. [[strikethrough]] Most of [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Almost all]] the lower cost classes are of a totally better type than formerly Many of them seem students and similar people of both sexes. Second class has excellent spacious afterdeck below and more sunshine than we. Same can be [[strikethrough]] sent [[/strikethrough]] said of third class foredeck passenger. 
[[left margin in red]] Steamer Ballin [[/left margin in red]]
This steamer and and service and general installation is as good as any I ever shall desire
[[strikethrough]] There is [[/strikethrough]] The steamer (20000 tons gros is very well built, turbine driven and oil heated, and there is hardly any vibration, quite different from some past steamers in which I travelled. For about 220$ all included - altho' service rates but reduced rates as on all lines. I got a nice outside cabin with connecting shower and toilet. - Food and service is excellent. There is good string music 4 players + piano [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] playing good selections except evening when for dancing purposes these good artists
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have to revert to the horrible [[red underline]] Jazz music, which is unbearable to me. [[/red underline]] Mornings and afternoon there is also a brass band made up from [[strikethrough]] stew [[/strikethrough]] the crew which plays assorted airs, German and American. All this gives a very cheerful tone 
We are now in the Gulf stream blue sky, full moon at night and very moderate sea
I notice tufts of [[red underline]] Saragossa weed [[/red underline]] so characteristic for the Gulf stream near Florida. 
[[left margin in red]] Rental or sale of Perth Amboy plant [[/left margin]]
This afternoon received a Radio message from Rossi asking my consent to [[red underline]]
sell vacated Perth Amboy plant for $75000 cash [[/red underline]]
or better. Wired my consent that [[red underline]] it must be cash. - [[/red underline]] The ground alone costs us $100,000 - and the building even more. Rossi figured we could rent the plant easily or sell it at a good price but I told him long ago I doubted it. - He says it will cost us $18000 a year for taxes etc. to carry it idle.
[[underline]] May 20 [[/underline]] Nothing special. Fine weather
[[underline]] May 21 [[/underline]] A cablegram from Bakelite Gesellschaft wishing me welcome. Occurs to me that [[strikethrough]] the re [[/strikethrough]] one of the reasons why France has less unemployed proportionately to the U.S and England is the fact that a large part of the population is in military and naval service at [[underline]] very small [[/underline]] remuneration as compared to [[underline]] our [[/underline]] enlisted soldiers