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some sandwiches, and moving from table to table to get all acquainted. A very interesting group, talking America, politics education etc.
Afterwards went to [[red underline]] Sachs [[/red underline]] Office. He is just [[red underline]] back from Paris; [[/red underline]] says everything is perfect. Took up different subjects, Halowax, Grindstone etc.
Says [[red underline]] Halowax is very small affair here. [[/red underline]] Sales have been small and are growing smaller every day because factories are partially idle and other chemical mfrs here are supplying at much reduced cost. Sales 1931 only [[underline]] 18200 lbs [[/underline]] Halowax. As to Grindstones he says German situation has been arranged satisfactorily and [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] claims that [[red underline]] Surcouf has signed [[/red underline]] the contract which Rossi submitted to him and about which R became impatient.
[[underline]] June 9. [[/underline]] Told to Weger about [[red underline]] Johnson & Johnson plastics [[/red underline]] and waterproof fabric, but that I did not know exactly about European situation. ^[[Dr.]] Hans Lebach came to see me at hotel. Later invited them this evening at Adlon with his little wife. Both speak excellent English, invited me to see his factory in Erkner, and showed me interesting photos of new bakelite chemical machinery & equipment he was sending to South America. Told him this is a field for which we are not prepared because it requires to much personal attention for each new case but shall be glad to help him finding connections if occasion presents itself. A cheerful meeting, talking over old times
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[[left margin in red]] 
Bergins [[/left margin in red]]
Mrs Herman [[red underline]] Hecht [[/red underline]] telephoned and wrote to invite me for dinner to meet her son in law Professor [[red underline]] Gerngross. [[/red underline]] 
Met Dr. [[red underline]] Bergins [[/red underline]] at the Adlon, he invites me for luncheon with his wife tomorrow at Automobil-Klub.
If I stay here much longer everybody will have found out I am here, altho' I have urged not to publish my name in passenger list, and to keep my presence secret.
[[circled note in left margin]] June 10 
[[/note in left margin]] 
I was preparing to leave Sunday ^[[morning]] and had arranged to get rid of Surcouf soon by meeting him [[strikethrough]] this morning [[/strikethrough]] Saturday morning. At 1:45 P.M had [[red underline]] luncheon with Professor Bergins, [[/red underline]] Nobel Prize & Professor in Heidelberg, and his wife at the Automobile Club. Very interesting conversation. His wife is very pretty and does not look German. - [[strikethrough]] Is [[/strikethrough]] She ^[[is]] dutch? She speaks French as fluently as German and her English is not bad at all. We talked about America - Florida etc. also about political and business situations in different countries, education, universities etc. - Very interesting. 
Back to office, told Weger about our recent connections with Rogers Paper Co. but stated did not know German situation or patents and communication was confidential. Sachs came in and told me about present [[red underline]] Urea [[/red underline]] and Thiourea situation in Germany and how he felt that something should be done, as soon as possible, contrary to Weger's opinion to wait until October when Weger things the present patent situation will be cleared up.
[[red underline]] Sachs [[/red underline]] much insisted that I should see samples of what was