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Concluded to postpone my departure so as to accept invitation of [[red underline]] Ripper [[/red underline]] to see his processes in practical operation at Römmler's factory Monday morning
[[underline]] June 12. [[/underline]] (Sunday) Packing & classifying letters & notes. Cabled New York about [[red underline]] Ripper [[/red underline]] matters and relation to formaldehyde which thus becomes still more important. Then went to visit the Berlin Botanical garden. Well arranged but much limited as to the tropical part on account of cold winters.
[[left margin in red]] [[strikethrough]] Zoo [[/strikethrough]] Zoological Garden [[/left margin in red]]
Afternoon went again to the [[red underline]] Zoo and got photographed with two lion cubs [[/red underline]] in my arms so as to send the photos to my grandchildren. Then [[strikethrough]] wen [[/strikethrough]] drove back to Adlon thru [[red underline]] Tiergarten [[/red underline]] park in one of the very few surviving horse taxis (Drotchen) of former days, with a ditto coachman. Wheels with clattering iron hoops, and everybody smiling, not realising that only a few years ago [[red underline]] there were no other vehicles. [[/red underline]] This reminds me my former times in Berlin
[[underline]] June 13 [[/underline]] Left hotel 6:30 AM with Dr. Ripper for station where train left 7 A.M., arrived 
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[[left margin in red]] Ripper [[/left margin in red]]
at Cotbus 8:40, then 20 minutes drive to Spenberg by taxi = 9 AM. The [[red underline]] Römmler factory [[/red underline]] started in a weaving and spinning district of Germany many years ago to utilise the waste cotton flock by mixing it with asphalt or resinlike substances whence to make molding materials. - Also made "Wenzacit". [[red underline]] Dr. Ripper has a laboratory [[/red underline]] there at the factory with a few assistants who are chemists, or physicists or engineers. He also [[red underline]] has a private laboratory [[/red underline]] in the basement of his house in Berlin. The factory was quite busy and contains several buildings. The older buildings where [[strikethrough]] bot [[/strikethrough]] phenol plastics are made and molded are mostly [[strikethrough]] brck [[/strikethrough]] brick one storey while the new building used for Rippers patents are simple one story buildings made of steel filled in by plastic sides, inexpensively and quickly built but well equipped inside.
The laboratories comprise a few spare odd rooms adapted for the purpose, in which one chemist & assistant & helper is busy, while the physical and test rooms are situated in the attic, but provided with good instruments. Quite a contrast with our large and elaborate and expensive installation at Bloomfield.
A certain Mr. Kountze who is the head engineer, and speaks excellent English, has visited the U.S and our office.
One room of the factory was entirely devoted to molding of [[red underline]] Resopal [[/red underline]] this is the Trade-Mark of his molding material. They call 
[[note in left margin]] Ripper recommended his patent attorney who knows whole situation: 
Patent Anwalt Reik. - Wipplingerstrasse 1. - Wien I
Physicist = Dept. Eng. Max Hirsch
Chemist = Franz Deutsch.  
Technical Director = Albert Kuntze 
[[/note in left margin]]