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[[note in left margin in red]] Lease of Perth Amboy plant [[/note in left margin]] 
[[underlined in red]] George Baekeland, [[/underlined in red]] called me at phone at 2 P.M to urge me to sign [[underlined in red]] lease to Am. Tobacco Co [[/underlined in red]] for Perth Amboy Plant. - They are all for it. - Told him I want 
1/ Specific lease for five years 
2/ Costs for alterations and renovation not to exceed the [[strikethrough]] sume [[/strikethrough]] sum mentioned by Rossi in his telegram during the five years the lease lasts 
3/ option for sale should be the subject of a special contract. 
In order to avoid misunderstanding I confirmed my conversation by a Day light letter telegram which I sent directly afterwards. 
[[underlined]] Nov 10. [[/underlined]] Cool and bright weather. Thermometer last night went down to [[underlined in red]] 55°F. Hgrometer from 95% to 45% [[/underlined in red]]
The [[underlined in red]] election has been a  veritable landslide. Hoover carried only 5 states. [[/underlined in red]] The Socialist vote altho' stronger than in former years amounts to little. [[underlined in red]] Franklin Roosevelt will have both houses overwhelmingly [[strikethrough]] de [[/strikethrough]] men of his [[strikethrough]] party [[/strikethrough]] own party. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] Nov. 11 [[/underlined]]
[[note in left margin in red]] Hurricane in Cuba [[/note in left margin]]
The [[underlined in red]] hurricane in Cuba [[/underlined in red]] drowned a whole city by a 20 foot high wave near Camaguay and [[underlined in red]] killed 1500 people. [[/underlined in red]] The city was built on very low lying ground. [[strikethrough]] Nov. 12 [[/strikethrough]] Beautifully clear weather here and bright full moonlight. Just after sunset wind calmed and suddenly mosquitoes appeared, due to northerly wind during the day. These are the first mosquitoes I have seen since my arrival notwithstanding the early sultry days. 
[[underlined]] November 12 [[/underlined]] Cool and bright, pleasant weather. Spent morning answering letters. Cool but bright. Wind shifting to the north. Evening went to Photoplay "Igloo" at Coconut Grove theatre with Celine
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[[underlined]] Nov. 13 [[/underlined]] (Sunday)
[[note in left margin in red underlined]] [[underlined in red]] 69 years old! [[/underlined in red]] [[/note in left margin]]
A cold  but very bright day. Wind is North. Temp last night 58°F and to day 65°F. 
Afternoon Mrs. [[underlined in red]] Sarimento [[/underlined in red]] visited us. Present depression has cut out her income so she is [[underlined in red]] renting her palatial home [[/underlined in red]] here and will have the apartment above the garage of Il Jardin. We went with her to the Photoplay at Coconut Grove. Very bright moonlight night. When we went to bed I was just [[underlined in red]] 69 years old. [[/underlined in red]] (Ghent birth reckoning) [[underlined in red]] I can hardly imagine I am so old. [[/underlined in red]] The only signs are that I have to wear [[underlined in red]] bifocal glasses and that I get tired somewhat sooner, [[/underlined in red]] specially after long strained mental effort. [[underlined in red]] Nothing else seems to ail me. [[/underlined in red]] - Tomorrow Celine returns. We [[underlined in red]] have had one weeks delightful restful time together living simply, making each our simple meals, [[strikethrough]] unbothe [[/strikethrough]] unbothered by cooks or servants, yet busy all the time.
[[underlined]] Nov. 14. [[/underlined]] Took Celine [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] in our station wagon to Atlantic Coast station whence she left at 9:30 AM for New York 
Weather bright and milder
[[underlined]] Nov. 15. [[/underlined]] Somewhat warmer. The 2 darkies are again working each 3 days a week and even at that they can easily manage the work to do. Have sent in my [[underlined in red]] resignation to the Larchmont [[/underlined in red]] Yacht Club; another easy economy.
[[underlined]] Nov. 16. [[/underlined]] & 17. Letter writing most of day. The [[underlined in red]] Fairchilds [[/underlined in red]] arrived today at 8P.M. at their residence. Brought them 2 bottles of wine to cheer them after the long motor ride from the west coast. 
[[underlined]] Nov. 18 [[/underlined]] Dr. [[underlined in red]] Fairchild [[/underlined in red]] here early this morning. Drove together to Mr. [[underlined in red]] Bretts [[/underlined in red]] to see the trails he has cut thru his hammock

Transcription Notes:
'underlined in red' is the same as 'red underlined' Instructions are not clear so why change just to change?