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[[left margin in red]] Coconut Grove a separate town [[/left margin]]
that [[red underline]] new meritorious inventions should be kept alive in lab, [[/red underline]] so as to exclude any pleas of abandonment in interference cases or contestations as to priority. This applies to cases of [[red underline]] Bender [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Reiley [[/red underline]] etc
[[left margin in red]] Coconut Grove a separate town [[/left margin in red]]
[[underline]] Jan 19. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Swetland [[/red underline]] came to invite me at a meeting of a few at his house, to discuss ways and means to make [[red underline]] Coconut Grove [[/red underline]] again a [[red underline]] separate town. [[/red underline]] Miami during the drunkenness of the boom used illegal means to [[red underline]] annex Coconut Grove to Miami, [[/red underline]] overstepping decency and legal means to forcibly annex Coconut Grove as part of Miami. A few of the property holders will come together Monday evg.
[[underline]] Jan 20. [[/underline]] Again the excellent and interesting [[red underline]] Radio [[/red underline]] Concerts and musical lesson of Walter Damrosch at 11 AM to 12 M.
Before drove to Sears Roebuck to [[red underline]] order a curtain so that we may eat our meals [[/red underline]] undisturbed by visitors coming here at the wrong time.
Glad to hear the Howards are driving to Palm Beach until Sunday. This relieves me of visitors
Evening went to listen with the Fairchild to a most interesting lecture by Dr. [[red underline]] Sylvanus Morley ^[[x]] [[/red underline]] [[left margin]] x See Who's Who in America [[/left margin]] who as a Carnegie Associate has been doing wonderful work at The Warner Club under the auspices of Miami University. Drove up in the Fairchilds car with Mrs. Fairchild, Mrs. Gilbert Grosvenor
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[[left margin in red]] Sylvanus Morley [[/left margin in red]]
Dr. Fairchild and [[red underline]] Dr. Morley. [[/red underline]]  The latter says he is [[red underline]] 1/3 Belgian [[/red underline]] because his [[red underline]] mother [[/red underline]] is a [[red underline]] Miss Delanoy [[/red underline]] born in Belgium. [[red underline]] Excellent lecture, [[/red underline]] full room, this is the third of the kind explaining in this instance the discovery of the [[red underline]] Mayan alphabet [[/red underline]] or ideographs. His little wife was with him. They are flying back to [[red underline]] Yucatan [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] in 2 da [[/strikethrough]] from here, Sunday.
[[underline]] Jan 21 [[/underline]] Busy day as usually but no visitors
[[underline]] Jan 22. [[/underline]] An undisturbed Sunday
[[left margin in red]] Coconut Grove wants autonomy [[/left margin in red]]
[[underline]] Jan 23 [[/underline]] This evening about [[red underline]] 10 persons [[/red underline]] met at [[red underline]] Swetlands, [[/red underline]] Fairchild being one of them also Hugh Matheson, [[strikethrough]] talkin [[/strikethrough]] also Judge [[red underline]] Halsted Ritter. [[/red underline]] This was a secret meeting to discuss how [[red underline]] to get lose from Miami. [[/red underline]] Altho' all are desirous to do so, Judge [[red underline]] Ritter pointed out the improbability of success. [[/red underline]] Notwithstanding the fact that the annexation was illegal so many years have elapsed that latches could easily be pleaded. So it was finally agreed to form a property owners association of Coconut Grove and Silverbluff, to take a more active part in preventing present abuses of the Miami administration, which is getting [[red underline]] most of the tax [[/red underline]] payment from those 2 communities and [[red underline]] giving little in return. [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough]] Jan 24. [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Downes [[/red underline]] came here with [[red underline]] Slade [[/red underline]] of the Cruising Club of America, who had sailed hither a few years ago in one of the pumpkin seed little sail boats from New Jersey but not came here in his car
[[red underline]] Downes [[/red underline]] pumped me for charity contributions arranged by Mrs Norris himself and his sister. - Told