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than yesterday. But train is fearfully hot. - Slept naked all night.
[[underline]] May 12. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Somewhat [[/strikethrough]] Cooler in morning around St. Augustine and Jacksonville then again a very warm and sultry day with all windows of train open
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] University Club [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] May 13. [[/underline]] Cooler Arrived. Pa Station 7:35 A.M. Took taxicab to University Club, where had bath and breakfast What a luxury such a Club after living the simple life for five months.
Then to office, where [[red underline]] long talk [[/red underline]] with [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] about pending matters, private and of the corporation Rossi in Bound Brook. 
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] British Bakelite [[/left margin]]
Cable from [[red underline]] English Bakelite [[/red underline]] telling the English directors would like to oversubscribe on new issue of stock if we are willing to take less. After consultation with Geo. - SB and Rossi we all agreed to cable that we [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] shall be glad to carry out their wishes, [[/red underline]] provided it does not jeopardise our position in Bakelite Ltd. - matter will be discussed with them on my arrival in London
[[underline]] May 14 [[/underline]] (Sunday). All morning further interview at Snug Rock with George on pending matters. 
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Georges boat [[/left margin]]
Afternoon went to visit George at Scarsdale where he is strenuously busy putting last touches on the [[red underline]] sloop-yacht he has been building during his winter evenings. [[/red underline]] Little [[red underline]] Freddy [[/red underline]] asks me [[red underline]] endless [[/red underline]] questions [[red underline]] about Florida [[/red underline]] and everything, and got me to take him on my back to show how a man can ride on a big turtle etc. [[strikethrough ]] D [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Dicky [[/red underline]] has grown  
[[end page]] 
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[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Freddy & Dicky [[/left margin in red]]
very much and is now in the [[red underline]] awkward transition from childhood to a young lady. [[/red underline]] Is [[red underline]] advancing  [[/red underline]] well at school and getting along well generally. Brooksie was at the Rolls on visit 
I notice that Cornelia has painted some very good panels of Flowers [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] has [[red underline]] made great progress in [[/red underline]] her latest [[red underline]] landscape paintings. [[/red underline]] She is not as successful with flower subjects but shows great development in landscapes.
[[underline]] May 15. [[/underline]] Mild weather. Busy day at office, interviewing those nearest at hand.
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Whitaker [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] May 16. [[/underline]] This morning interviews with [[red underline]] Whitaker[[/red undelrine]]  in [[red underline]] presence of George, [[/red underline]] telling us present condition of patent suits. Says [[strikethrough]] they ho [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Cyanamid [[/red underline]] Co had everything ready to file suit against Plaskon, when suddenly they found that [[red underline]] "Unite" Co [[/red underline]] ([[strikethrough]] I Cy [[/strikethrough]] (American I Cy + [[red underline]] Carleton Ellis [[/red underline]]) had filed suit against Am. Cyanamid. 
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Carlton Ellis [[/left margin]]
So [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] went to see young [[red underline]] Duisberg [[/red underline]] and told him that they were filing a suit [[red underline]] against Plaskon [[/red underline]]. 
This was quite a shock to [[red underline]] Duisberg [[/red underline]] who felt furious. But he became still more furious and rattled after he heard that Bakelite Corporation had obtained an exclusive license from Am. [[red underline]] Cyanamid for urea [[/red underline]] patents. 
Another one who got rather upset was [[red underline]] Dent of Durez Co. [[/red underline]] who was obtaining a license from [[red underline]] Unite the lawyer of Plaskon, [[/red underline]] came to see Whitaker to try to make an adjustment and thus avoid the patent suit, which [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] 

Transcription Notes:
Dent of Durez is correct. This refers to Harry Dent of Durez Plastic and Chemicals Co. Carleton Ellis is correct (an organic chemist who invented margarine BTW) Could not find ref to "Unite" Co but it could be American Cyanamid + Carleton Ellis