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[[left margin red]] Devil's Island [[/left margin red]]
some of them were in the "white slave trade". From there he proceeded to Cuba earning money in various ways as waiter etc. After awhile he reached [[underlined in red]] Mexico. [[/underlined in red]] Living on his wits and various trade, also coming in contact there will the French - speaking group. At [[underlined in red]] Juarez [[/underlined in red]] on the American border he managed to pass over the border settlement being stopped as an alien. He simply stepped on the [[strikethrough]] car [[/strikethrough]] tram-car which passes over the bridge that crosses the Rio - Grande nobody seemed to observe him and then he was on American territory. He then worked his way by stages until now he was in [[underlined in red]] New York. [[/underlined in red]] His aim was to reach the province of Quebec amongst French speaking people - as he speaks English and Spanish very [[strikethrough]] prot [[/strikethrough]] brokingly He [[underlined in red]] wants [[/underlined in red]] to [[underlined in red]] become [[/underlined in red]] a [[underlined in red]] farmer [[/underlined in red]] in [[underlined in red]] Quebec [[/underlined in red]] and is going to try to smuggle himself over the border line some way or another. I told him it was quite possible that Canada has a extradition treaty with France for escaped convicts. I tried to catch the man at lying or misrepresentation in history. But every time he immediately gave an accepted answer without any hesitation. Some of my questions were cunningly devised but I was unable to trap him. So I concluded that he was a young man who not realising the consequences of his actions, had been heavily punished but had the courage of trying to break out. His name [[underlined in red]] George Doolaeghe. - Shortly afterwards another man, rather tall [[/underlined in red]] and awkward came in and asked [[underlined in red]] whether he could live in "The Crags" [[/underlined in red]] which he understood were unoccupied. That he was a "neighbor", living somewhere around here. Had lost his job, and was going to leave his house which had been sold Is married, but has no children. Told him the "Crags" was not in a condition to be inhabited before costly repairs
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[[left margin red]] Ripper [[/left margin red]]
etc. This man. did not make a good impression; [[underlined in red]] clumsy [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] rather assertive. These two "visits" took away my expected quiet afternoon [[/underlined in red]] which I intended to devote to study and [[strikethrough]] letter [[/strikethrough]] writing
[[underlined]] July 26. [[/underlined]] This afternoon [[underlined in red]] Whitaker [[/underlined in red]] came [[strikethrough]] here for [[/strikethrough]] to office from his vacation Gave him report of my interviews with [[underlined in red]] Dr. Ripper, [[/underlined in red]] also [[underlined in red]] aminoplastics [[/underlined in red]] situation in [[underlined in red]] Germany and Italy and England [[/underlined in red]] and [[stirkethrough]] aro [[/strikethrough]] gave him copy of written answer of [[underlined in red]] Ripper [[/underlined in red]] concerns to limitations in molding practice of aminoplastics allowing much [[underlined in red]] less latitude than phenoplastics. [[/underlined in red]] - Also the practical advantage of his mixture of thiourea and urea for molding purposes.
[[underlined in red]] Advised Whitaker to engage Ripper [[/underlined in red]] temporarily here as he [[strikethrough]] wants [[/strikethrough]] declined permanent engagement. That he would be a very useful man for information practical for molding etc. as well as the vertical and his knowledge of the patent situation. Advised however not to let him come here before the hot weather season is ended.
Whitaker will report to his board and advise further.
[[left margin red]] Cynamid [[/left margin red]]
W. tells that [[underlined in red]] patent suit against Plaskon has not been filed yet because [[/underlined in red]] the [[strikethrough]] la [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] directors there have offered to sell out to Cyanamid.. [[/underlined in red]] but [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Cyanamid refuses to buy them out as long as Plaskon is tied up by its license contract to Unite (ICy + Carleton Ellis)
A few days ago the lawyer of [[underlined in red]] Durez (General Plastics) [[/underlined in red]] had told that they had sold out to U.S. [[underlined in red]] Industrial Alcohol [[/underlined in red]] Co. - Now comes the news that the violent drop in stock quotations of U. S. Industrial Alcohol has stopped the whole transaction.
[[underlined in red]] Whitaker [[/underlined in red]] says that U.S. [[underlined in red]] Ind. Alcohol [[/underlined in red]] of which he was formerly vice-president and head chemical engineer, [[underlined in red]] has [[/underlined in red]]