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[[strikethrough]] 59/ [[/strikethrough]]
[[left margin in red underlined]] Investments [[/left margin in red underlined]]
I asked [[underlined in red]] George to write me a letter [[/underlined in red]] to this effect so that we may discuss it [[underlined in red]] after Hays returns [[/underlined in red]] from his vacation. Present [[underlined in red]] stock & bond market is so erratic that any transactions should be postponed. [[/underlined in red]] - This is the general conservative opinion. So this matter can rest for awhile.
[[underlined]] Aug 5. [[/underlined]] Left Snug Rock for camp at 7:35 A.M with [[underlined in red]] Dick. [[/underlined in red]] Moderate [[strikethrough]] weather [[/strikethrough]] pleasant weather and a light shower. Arrived before [[underlined in red]] our camp at [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 2:55 P.M. [[/underlined in red]] running an average of about 45 miles per hour sometimes reaching 56 miles at some clear stretches.
Poughkeepsie 9:30 A M.
Albany 11:45 A.M crowded & noisy as usually. Near Lake George, ^[[we]] stopped about 20 minutes to replenish gasoline and get a glass of beer and a sandwich.
I had not travelled this road since [[strikethrough]] 191 [[/strikethrough]] summer of 1918 during the war. [[underlined in red]] Roads [[/underlined in red]] have enormously improved in many respects and are [[underlined in red]] uniformly very good, [[/underlined in red]] and kept in excellent condition. - Traffic also has much increased - Number of rest houses, restaurants, gasoline stations and small hotels, most of them, clean looking and cheerful and moderate priced have sprung up everywhere. 
[[left margin in red underlined]] Utowana
[[/left margin in red underlined]]
The motorist is offered many facilities which did not exist formerly. Small separate cabins, cheerfully painted and built in pleasant surroundings now offer one night rest at $1.00 or 50 cents per person, thus insuring privacy which regular hotels do not possess, and permittig the 
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[[left margin in red]] Camp Utowana [[/left margin in red]]
the motorist to bring their own food along. Also doing away with the necessity of carrying tents etc along.
The traffic up to Saratoga and its horse-races, and Lake George was rather active. Beyond Lake George into the Adirondacks it became considerably less. A few miles beyond Blue Mountain Lake village. [[underlined in red]] Dick stopped before our camp [[/underlined in red]] the entrance of which is on the road that traverses the reservation. 
A frame 2 story house where our guide and his wife and child live on the upper story and [[strikethrough]] below [[/strikethrough]] the ground floor is a garage with bath and toilet. [[underlined in red]] Nina's and Cornelia's [[/underlined in red]] car in the garage. - Our station wagon stands under the trees. In order to reach the camp proper we must traverse [[underlined in red]] Utowana Lake [[/underlined in red]] which is about 1/4 mile wide here. This is done by "The royal barge!" a simple [[underlined in red]] square flat boats [[/underlined in red]] provided with a cotton awning and propelled by a little outboard motor [[underlined in red]] Celine, Nina, Cornelia, Dickey, Celine Roll, Bake Roll, Brooksie, Peter & Freddie [[/underlined in red]] were all waving hands on the other shore. 
[[left margin in red]] Georges Sailsloop [[/left margin in red]]
The new 19 foot [[underlined in red]] sailsloop, which George [[/underlined in red]] designed and built with his own hands at his house in [[underlined in red]] Scarsdale [[/underlined in red]] during last years winter evenings, is moored in the lake near our camp buildings and [[underlined in red]] gives a predominant impression. [[/underlined in red]] Several smaller sail boats, some of my old dinghys, a fast outboard larger boat etc. are tied near the wharf float. White canoes, guide-boats, etc are houses under a roofed open sided boat house. The white [[strikethrough]] sails [[/strikethrough]] and the red colored, and red and blue striped sails add their affect to