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[[left margin in red]] Nina divorced in Reno [[/left margin in red]]
Celine at noon told me [[underlined in red]] Nina [[/underlined in red]] had definitely telegraphed Roll that she [[underlined in red]] had obtained her divorce in Reno. Celine [[/underlined in red]] takes it much to heart and [[underlined in red]] wept [[/underlined in red]] repeatedly. She feels compassion for George Roll. I fear our problems with Nina are only beginning.  What a pity for the little children. Both Nina and Roll are equally to blame, but she might have managed him with more tact. 
Yesterday spent much time in devising new distribution and management of my Bakelite stocks [[strikethrough]] ad [[/strikethrough]] and [[underlined in red]] Hays is rewriting my former testament so as to include these new provisions. [[/underlined in red]]  
[[underlined]] Dec 10 [[/underlined]] 1933. [[underlined]] Sunday [[/underlined]] Home all day studying and writing. [[strikethrough]] N P [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] Nina [[/underlined in red]] wired yesterday she had obtained her divorce. [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] this afternoon while listening to music of the Radio, [[underlined in red]] suddenly broke out weeping [[/underlined in red]] when she told me of Nina's telegram. 
[[underlined]] Dec. 11 [[/underlined]] Long discussion about [[underlined in red]] gift taxes [[/underlined in red]]with George and Hays at office. All this comes up at a wrong time when I have my hands full with Ripper matter 
[[underlined]] Dec. 12. [[/underlined]] At office. At 3:30pm long conference with Hays about various matters. Went for supper at U.C. Talked over [[underlined in red]] trusts funds [[/underlined in red]] for [[underlined in red]] George, Celine [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Nina's children. [[/underlined in red]] Intend to distribute most of my common Bakelite stock. 
[[underlined]] Dec 13. [[/underlined]] Hays is [[underlined in red]] drawing up new will [[/underlined in red]] in consistence with new conditions which have arisen since I wrote my will
[[underlined]] Dec. 14. [[/underlined in red]] Left office at noon to take a nap at home and do some work there before going to [[underlined in red]] Grenarde's [[/underlined in red]] dinner tonight with 
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Celine. Met there at 7:30. Pleasant company sat on left of Mrs. Grenade [[underlined in red]] British Consul [[/underlined in red]] at her right. Others present besides Celine and myself [[strikethrough]] Mali [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] Johnson Mali, [[/underlined in red]] Mr. [[underlined in red]] Notebaert [[/underlined in red]] (head of Solvay Investment Co) Cattier engineer and banker, Mr. Mott, W. [[underlined in red]] Aerts [[/underlined in red]] President of Banque de Belgique et de l'Exhanger and their wives. On my left was [[underlined in red]] Mrs. Notebaert. [[/underlined in red]] Very pleasant company excellent dinner well served and excellent wines. [[strikethrough]] Arr [[/strikethrough]] We arrived home at 12:30 AM. Rather late than my usual habits 
This morning at the office had [[underlined in red]] another discussion [[/underlined in red]] on [[underlined in red]] Ripper - license [[/underlined in red]] with Sanford Brown, Redman, Rossi and George
[[underlined]] Dec. 15. [[/underlined]] Had interview with [[underlined in red]] Ripper [[/underlined in red]] on subject of U.S. patent of Beetle see his written answer. 
[[underlined]] Dec.16. [[/underlined]] In Yonkers all day.  Spent all morning with [[underlined in red]] George discussing new testament [[/underlined in red]] and gift taxes
[[underlined]] Sunday Dec.17 [[/underlined]] All morning at Snug Rock discussing further the[[underlined in red]] gift tax [[/underlined in red]] with George and [[/underlined in red]] Henson [[/underlined in red]] who is specialised in taxes. He doubts whether I can deduct my gift tax from my income this year. This becomes rather perplexing and upsets all my plans. 
They left at 1 PM and I kept all afternoon calculating every alternative until I felt very tired. I [[underlined in red]] hate this class of work [[/underlined in red]] and calculations. If it were not for my obligations to my family I certainly would not lose my time at such uncongenial jobs. 
[[underlined]] Dec.18. [[/underlined]] Have a [[underlined in red]] cold [[/underlined in red]] in my [[underlined in red]] head. [[/underlined in red]] Much [[underlined in red]] sneezing [[/underlined in red]] and feel tired. Went to office in morning then back to Yonkers to dress for [[underlined in red]] Nobel Prize [[/underlined in red]] dinner tonight with Celine and Cornelia. George found us at