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[[underlined]] 1933 [[/underlined]]
Dec. 25, 1933 Xmas.
Bright pleasant weather not too cold. Nina arrived here with her children about 10 A.M. [[black and red underlined]] Peter [[/black and red underlined]] seems over his troubles and smiling and [[red underlined]] full of interest in his toys [[/red underlined]] and other Xmas presents around the Xmas tree in the parlor.  Same enthusiasm from the other children. The [[red underlined]] two boys [[/red underlined]] arrived here in blue cowboy-overalls and large gray felt cowboy-hats of the "five gallon type". They left about eleven for Xmas dinner at their home. Nina has arranged that [[red underlined]] George Roll [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] and in [[/strikethrough]] should be there also, notwithstanding her recent divorce; Celine says she did it as a concession of good feeling and sympathy.
At the Radio heard [[striketrhough]] a [[/strikethrough]] clear speech of [[red underlined]] King George [[/red underlined]] of England addressed to all England and her dominions of the British Empire. First London, then Wales, then Scotland, Ireland, Bermuda, Canada New Zealand, Australia, India and finally India addressing South Africa. Each locality describing festivities occurring around them.
[[red underlined]] Who would ever have thought this possible a few years ago? [[/red underlined]] Studied the typewritten sheets of 2 [[red underlined]] trust deeds: [[/red underlined]] one in favor of Celine, [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] 5000 shares of Bakelite Common