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[[left margin in red]] A very cold day = Trust funds [[/left margin in red]]
Jersey City. Arrived at office about 10 A.M. To my dismay I find that [[red underlined]] Holmgren [[/red underlined]] last night, after sitting up late with the retyping of the documents, [[red underlined]] found several mistakes which needed alterations. [[/red underlined]] So I called up [[red underlined]] Hays, [[/red underlined]] who discussed them with George and Holmgren in my presence and we agreed upon the necessary alterations. Am told everything will be retyped [[red underlined]] by 4 P.M. [[/red underlined]] Celine went to Philarmonic concert, while I remained at office. Miss Carpenter and Miss Bidwell under direction of Holmgren started retyping the 6 ^[[Trust-]] deeds, which then were reread in the [[strikethrough]] presence and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[presence]] of myself, Geo. B, Holmgren and Hays. So Celine, Hays & myself were [[red underlined]] driven to Jersey City [[/red underlined]] by Dick, where the transfer at about 6 P.M
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of the stock and the signing of deeds took place before a notary public. Notwithstanding our [[red underlined]] fur coats it was bitterly cold [[/red underlined]] when we drove back to Yonkers; but I felt glad it was all over. with these legalistic and financial matters. Glad to feel warm again and a cheerful supper after a very trying day. - [[red underlined]] Next thing [[/red underlined]] in order is [[red underlined]] my new testament [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Dec. 30 [[/underlined]] Stayed in Yonkers. Still very cold and snow everywhere 10" [[strikethrough]] thick [[/strikethrough]] ^[[deep]] This morning visited [[red underlined]] dentist Fuller [[/red underlined]] who examined my teeth and made Xrays. 
[[left margin vertical in red]] Home made wines [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Afternoon drew off [[red underlined]] 30 gallons of 1932 Concord wine in bottles, and five gallons of 1932 Delaware [[/red underlined]] wine. The former is lightly colored the Delaware is about as colorless as Niagara grapes.