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[[left margin]] George says business is keeping up well. [[/left margin]]
is [[red underlined]] so complicated [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] dangerous [[/red underlined]] that Barnes has advised them to go slowly and not make contract for licenses or even option, until situation has become clearer. Contracts made now involving fixed royalties would be a compound gamble They [[red underlined]] propose to pay Ripper besides his travelling expenses $5000 [[/red underlined]] for services rendered and [[red underlined]] leave it to the future for any further [[/red underlined]] contracts. [[red underlined]] Ripper [[/red underlined]] proposed to found a new Co in which he would have 25% of the stock but this seems impractical in view of present conditions. I agree with their discussion George. [[red underlined]] 
[[left margin in red]] [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] to Martinique [[/left margin in red]]
Celine [[/red underlined]] & [[red underlined]] Cornelia [[/red underlined]] are leaving at midnight with SS. Columbus of North German [[red underlined]] Lloyd for Martinique [[/red underlined]] etc. a round trip which will bring them back in about a
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[[left margin in red] Celine [[/left margin in red]]
Adorable weather again 
I rejoice at the thought that [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] shall be with [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] and Cornelia on that interesting trip. - It does not often occur that the daughter-in law urges to have her mother-in-law with her on the 15th anniversary of her wedding: [[red underlined]] Celine beloved by every one who knows her.  What a successful life! [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] Radio [[/left margin in red]]
At 11 A.M. am listening again to the Damrosch Radio Music appreciation hour. I enjoy them so much that to avoid being interrupted by visitors I put cards out that I am [[underlined]] engaged [[/underlined]] until noon. I appreciate music best when I am entirely alone, free from noise or interruptions. This afternoon [[red underlined]] Dr. Hutchinson [[/red underlined]] called His wife is in Coral Gables still suffering from