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[[left margin vertical in red]] Frederic Swarts ill [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Jan. 29. Celine writes. [[[[underlined in red]] Frederic Swarts [[/underlined in red]] is ill with [[underlined in red]] heart disease [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] her sister [[/underlined in red]] suffering again with [[underlined in red]] gall stones. [[/underlined in red]] Says George and [[underlined in red]] Cornelia [[/underlined in red]] caught cold after returning to New York and [[/underlined in red]] Cornelia [[/underlined in red]] has [[underlined in red]] bronchitis. [[/underlined in red]] Just what I feared. Downer & Dr. Jeffry visited here The [[underlined in red]] ION is [[/underlined in red]] put on [[underlined in red]] Wirth Munroes [[/underlined in red]] ways.
[[underlined]] Jan 30. [[/underlined]]  56˚F last night. Afternoon had visit of Reynders who came with [[underlined in red]] Hutchinson. [[/underlined in red]] Afterwards went to call on Judge & Mrs [[underlined in red]] Halstead Ritter [[/underlined in red]] and gave him letter of Celine in which she referred to a Washington lawyer who suggested [[underlined in red]] Ritter [[/underlined in red]] should have his friends in action in Washington.
Jan 31 - this afternoon late came
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[[left margin vertical]] We all gathered in my kitchen serving beer and cheese. I saw Mrs. Fairchild sitting on the table I offered her a chair. She said: [[/left margin vertical]] "I tried it but it [[underlined]] was all wet!" It was unfortunately the chair on which I had drained a tray!  
on his way to his annual exploration General laughter! trip her Dr. [[underlined in red]] Thomas Barbour [[/underlined in red]] with [[strikethrough]] Mrs. [[/strikethrough]] Dr. & Mrs. Fairchild. Gave them cheese and beer. in the kitchen and had long enjoyable talk. [[underlined in red]] Henry Howard and his wife [[/underlined in red]] came to call which risked breaking up our party; so got rid of them. by telling had some other callers.
[[underlined]] Feb 1. 1934. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] telegraphed day before yesterday intends to arrive here Monday evening. Today got letter [[underlined in red]] Cornelia Bronchitis George influenza. Peter's cold no better & scarlet fever in Brooksies [[/underlined in red]] Boarding school and is not allowed to get out [[underlined in red]] Dickie [[/underlined in red]] seems to have the [[underlined in red]] mumps [[/underlined in red]] etc
So telegraphed Celine that if she feels she is needed for all our sick people she should postpone coming here.